



17 Internal Medicine Specialists of FK USU Receive Marks of Expertise

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Renny Julia Harahap

17 Internal Medicine Specialists of FK USU Receive Marks of Expertise

"“Congratulations on the inauguration of 17 new specialists, along with our hopes and prayers. Hopefully all the knowledge, expertise, and titles possessed can bring blessings to the community and be carried out with full dedication guided by the applicable code of ethics, said Dr. Joiverdia.”"

USU PR - A total of 17 internal medicine specialists from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) officially received the Mark of Expertise at the inauguration ceremony, which was coupled with the introduction of 19 new Specialist Doctor Education Programs (PPDS) in the field of Internal Medicine. The event took place at Tiara Convention Hall Medan, on Sunday (01/09/2024).

Secretary of the USU Directorate of Education Development, Dr. Joiverdia Arifiyanto, SH, MH. Through his remarks, he expressed his appreciation and hopes for the newly appointed specialists. He also emphasized the importance of the mark of expertise received by the new specialists as a symbol of commitment and the beginning of a new journey in their profession.

“Congratulations on the inauguration of 17 new specialists, along with our hopes and prayers. Hopefully, all the knowledge, expertise, and titles you have can bring blessings to the community and be carried out with full dedication and guided by the applicable code of ethics,” said Dr. Joiverdia.

Vice Dean II of FK USU, Dr. dr. Muara Panusunan Lubis, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K), reminded that specialist education requires strong energy and mentality, given the great burden and responsibility in handling human lives. He emphasized that specialist education at FK USU ensures that the educational process runs without bullying, with regular monitoring every two months....

“We congratulate the new internal medicine specialists. Specialist education is not something easy. It requires energy and a strong mentality because it involves human life, “explained Dr. Muara.

In addition, the Head of the Internal Medicine Specialist-1 Study Program, Dr. dr. Taufik Sungkar M.Ked (PD)., Sp.PD, KGEH advised the newly appointed doctors to maintain the good name of the alma mater wherever they work. He also highlighted that during education, doctors not only hone their academic skills but are also involved in various extracurricular activities that help develop their non-academic talents.

“I leave it to the new internists to continue to serve our community well and maintain the good name of FK USU wherever you work,” said Dr. Taufik.

Dr. M. Hazmi Sinulingga, MKM, M.Ked(PD), SpPD, one of the newly appointed specialists, expressed his gratitude for the support of all parties who have played a role in their educational process. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining integrity and ethics in carrying out their duties as specialists, while reminding them that in the future they will face more challenges in the medical world.

“We are the golden generation of alumni of the Department of Internal Medicine FK USU. Let us maintain the good name of the alma mater and continue to face the challenges ahead,” said Dr. Hazmi.


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