




USU Identity

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) has an identity that includes a status, a position, an anniversary, an emblem, a flag, a hymn, march, and an academic attire, which is listed in Government Regulation No.16 of 2014


Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is a higher education legal entity that manages academic and non-academic fields autonomously (Article 5)



Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is positioned in Medan (Article 6)



August 20th appointed as The Anniversary (Dies Natalis) of USU (Article 7)



USUs emblem is used on buildings, offices, seals, certificates, and anything that has a formal position in terms of USA's power, authority, and ownership (Article 8 Paragraph 2)



USU's flag is rectangular with dark green background and the logo of USU in the middle. Below of it is the writing of Universitas Sumatera Utara (Article 9, Paragraph 1)


Hymne and March

USU's Hymn and March were played at the official ceremony (Article 10)


Academic Attire

Usu has academic attire and student attributes



USUs Emblem


The USU emblem is in the form of a wreath with the following elements, colors, and meanings:

  1. A golden yellow star, symbolizing the height of knowledge based on faith and piety;
  2. A thread of white jasmine flowers symbolizing nobility;
  3. A thread of yellow rice symbolizes the more knowledgeable, the more crouching, and
  4. A thread of green tobacco leaves, representing Deli Tobacco, produced by the area where USU is located.


USUs Flag

Specification :

  1. Flag size 200x150cm
  2. Ink : TC Colors, 1999 Edition

The Organization and Governance of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) are stipulated by the Board of Trustees (MWA) Regulation No. 16 of 2016. The following is USU organizational structure chart :

  1. University Organization
  2. Academic Executive
  3. Academic Bureau
  4. Student and Alumni Bureau
  5. Human Resources Bureau
  6. Finance Bureau
  7. Research, Community Service, and Cooperation Bureau
  8. Information Systems, Planning and Development Bureau
  9. Asset and Business Management Bureau
  10. University Secretariat
  11. Faculty
  12. School of Postgraduates
  13. Supporting Elements under the Coordination of the Vice Rector I
  14. Academic Implementing Elements under the Coordination of Vice Rector III
  15. Academic Implementing Elements under the Coordination of Vice Rector IV
  16. Supporting Elements under the Coordination of Vice Rector V
  17. Research Institute
  18. Devotion Institute
  19. Library
  20. Information Systems Centre

USUs Hymne and March

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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