



Bantuan Riset bagi Talenta Riset dan Inovasi (BARISTA) 2024

Bantuan Riset bagi Talenta Riset dan Inovasi (BARISTA) 2024

The Bantuan Riset bagi Talenta Riset dan Inovasi (English: Research Assistance Program for Research and Innovation Talents), abbreviated as BARISTA, is the provision of assistance in the form of tuition fees and research assistance funds to active students at the final level of Diploma 4 as well as Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to complete the thesis/dissertation based on research collaboration in the work unit within BRIN.

Program Objective

  1. Increase the educational capacity of research and innovation talents; 
  2. Develop the competence of research and innovation talents; 
  3. Expand support for the implementation of R&D activities carried out; 
  4. Increase collaboration and joint publications and expand partnership networks to improve research, development, and/or assessment between research, development, and/or assessment institutions and universities.

Form of Assistance

Assistance provided in the form of:

  1. Tuition fee for a maximum of 2 (two) semesters with a nominal payment determined by the university (at cost) of a maximum of Rp5,000,000.00 (five million rupiahs) per semester channeled to the university account; 
  2. research assistance funds for diploma IV/undergraduate level amounting to IDR 3,000,000 (three million rupiahs); master's level amounts to IDR 6,000,000 (six million rupiahs); and doctoral level amounts to IDR 9,000,000 (nine million rupiahs), which is distributed to the BARISTA recipient's account after uploading the final project in the form of the undergraduate thesis/thesis/dissertation that the university has authorized. The final project is uploaded no later than 6 (six) months from the end of the semester granted single tuition fee financing.


BRIN does not make any levies/fees for this program, and there are no deductions.

Participant Requirements

Prospective applicants must be in the 8th semester for D4 / S1 and S3 levels and in the 4th semester for S2 levels when registering.

  1. Have a research proposal that is being carried out to compile the final project in collaboration with a research group within the National Research and Innovation Agency; 
  2. Recommendation from the university and UKT determination letter; 
  3. Recommendation from mentor/supervisor from the work unit at BRIN; 
  4. Have taken a research method course; 
  5. Not currently receiving financial assistance from outside parties / not double funding on the same component; 
  6. Deliver program outputs (undergraduate thesis/thesis/dissertation) in accordance with the requirements; 
  7. Register through the BARISTA information system.

Participant Requirements Documents

  1. Identity Card (KTP)
  2. Student Card that shows the participant is an active student
  3. Transcript document and has taken research methodology courses
  4. Account number and copy of savings book in accordance with the participant's KTP in the form of BRI, BNI, BSI, Mandiri, and BCA banks. Civil servants are expected not to use a salary account number. 
  5. Letter of recommendation and willingness to become a mentor known by the Head of the Work Unit in the BRIN Environment (according to the format)
  6. Statement of compliance with the provisions of the Research Talent Research and Innovation Assistance (according to the format)
  7. Letter of Recommendation from the university (according to the format)
27 Desember 2023 - 31 Januari 2024 (23.00)
Selection Process



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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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