



Duties and Functions

Universitas Sumatera Utara


USU’s Vision

To become a university with academic excellence as a benchmark for the advancement of knowledge that can compete on a global scale.


USU’s Mission

To conduct autonomy-based higher education that serves as a platform for the character and professionalism development of human resources, which is based on empowerment containing the spirit of democratization of education that acknowledges pluralism with an educational orientation that emphasizes the aspect of searching for alternative solutions to actual problems based on scientific, moral, and conscience studies;

To produce graduates who become agents of change as a force of modernization in the life of society at large, who have strong academic competence, relevance, and competitiveness, as well as who behave with ethical intellectualism; and

To implement, develop, and improve education, research culture, and community service activities in order to improve academic quality by developing superior science, which benefits the wider society in improving their way of life.


USU Objectives

To produce quality graduates who are capable of developing science, technology, humanities, and arts based on religious morals, as well as be able to compete at national and international levels;

To produce innovative research that promotes the development of science, technology, humanities, and arts on a national and international scope;

To produce community service based on reasoning and research works that are innovatively beneficial in advancing the general welfare and intellectual life of the nation and community empowerment so that the society is able to solve problems independently and sustainably;

To improve the quality of learning management continuously to achieve excellence in national and international competition and cooperation;

To realize adaptive, creative, and proactive independence towards the demands of society and the challenges of development, both nationally and internationally;

To become a moral and intellectual force in building Indonesian civil society; and

To develop students’ potential to become faithful and devoted to God Almighty, possess noble morals, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skillful, competent, and cultured for the nation’s benefit.


Duties of USU

Based on Government Regulation No. 16 of 2014 concerning USU Statute, the main duties of USU are:

organizing autonomy-based higher education as a forum for character development and human resource professionalism based on empowering the spirit of democratization of education in pluralism including the development and improvement of education, research culture and community service programs so that they are beneficial for changing people's lives for the better.


Functions of USU

USU's function is to organize higher education in order to develop and improve:

The ability to form a character as a dignified nation in educating an innovative, responsive, creative, skilled, competitive, and cooperative nation through the implementation of Tridharma

Science and technology by applying humanities values for the quality of life and the environment

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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