



LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship

LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship

Requirements for the LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship

Only for Students from these Faculties:

  1. Faculty of Law 
  2. Faculty of Economics and Business
  3. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
  4. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Required Age

Prospective student's age is no more than 24 when applying

Academics Requirements

  1. Undergraduate Students
  2. Have passed at least 40 credit hours
  3. Minimum in the 3rd semester and maximum in the 5th semester 
  4. Have a minimum TOEFL score of 500
  5. Have a minimum GPA of 3.5
  6. Having organizational experience and other related skills 

Supporting Document Requirements

  1. Recommendation letter from the university
  2. Declaration letter of not receiving other scholarships
  3. Motivation letter stating your motivation to apply for the scholarship and future career plans written in English.

Documents Submission for the LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship

Document Requirements

  1. Copy of ID card
  2. Copy of Student ID card
  3. Copy of Study Results Report from the 1st semester until the last semester
  4. Copy of TOEFL certificate
  5. Statement Letter on being active in the organization
  6. Motivation letter with A4 paper, Bookman Old Style font, 1.15 spacing
  7. Copy of certificates of previous competitions
  8. A statement letter not receiving scholarships from any party: (format by each student)

Documents Submission

All documents are placed in a yellow folder and submitted to the student affairs office of the respective faculty before November 22, 2023.

31 Oktober 2023 - 22 November 2023 (14.00)
Selection Process



Fitur Aksesibilitas

  • Grayscale

  • High Contrast

  • Negative Contrast

  • Text to Speech


Universitas Sumatera Utara


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