



Collaboration of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with FH USU: Improving Immigration Literacy

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Renny Julia Harahap

Collaboration of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with FH USU: Improving Immigration Literacy

"“Actually, this is not the first cooperation with the Regional Office. We have cooperated a lot with the Regional Office of Law and Human Rights, said Dr. Mahmul.”"

USU PR - The Faculty of Law (FH) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of North Sumatra have established a new collaboration to increase literacy about immigration services in the campus environment. This collaboration aims to provide better socialization to the academic community, including students and lecturers, especially those from abroad. The socialization took place on Tuesday (3/9/24) at FH USU.

The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Mahmul Siregar, SH, M.Hum in his interview, emphasized the importance of this activity in order to increase understanding of immigration services. He mentioned that this collaboration was not the first, but part of a series of collaborations between the faculty and the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights that have covered various fields, including research and community service.

“Actually, this is not the first collaboration with the Regional Office. We have collaborated a lot with the Regional Office of Law and Human Rights,” said Dr. Mahmul.

This socialization activity is considered very relevant to the rector's priority programs in internationalization efforts, given the many interactions with foreign students and lecturers.

“Many of our programs are in contact with foreign students and foreign lecturers, all of which will be in contact with immigration services,” explained Dr. Mahmul.

Meanwhile, the Head of Immigration Licensing and Information Division of the Immigration Division, Imam Santoso S.H, revealed that they have the main tasks and functions to provide services, control, and supervision in the field of immigration. This socialization aims to enable students of the Faculty of Law of USU to understand more about immigration services such as passport and visa processing. Imam Santoso also hopes that this socialization can broaden students' knowledge about the procedures and services available at the immigration office.

“I hope that with this socialization, students, both Indonesian students and foreign students at USU, especially the Faculty of Law, will understand the procedures or services provided by immigration,” said Imam Santoso.

This activity is expected to reduce miscommunication and problems that may arise related to immigration services, especially for international students and lecturers who come to USU.


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