



DGB USU's Inaugural Gymnastics, Health Boosts Productivity

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Bambang Riyanto

DGB USU's Inaugural Gymnastics, Health Boosts Productivity

"“The main background is actually friendship, and the second is to build a healthy body,” said Prof. Rosmayati."

USU PR—The Council of Professors of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a joint gymnastics activity on Saturday (03/02/2024) in the courtyard of the USU Central Administration Bureau Building. All members of the Council of Professors attended.

The Head of the USU Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rosmayati, M.S., stated that the background of this joint gymnastics activity was actually more focused on friendship. The activity aims to strengthen the relationship among the USU Board of Professors, as well as improve body health.

“The main background is actually friendship, and the second is to build a healthy body,” said Prof. Rosmayati.

This joint gymnastics activity was the first initiative held by the USU Board of Professors. According to Prof. Dr. Ir. Rosmayati, M.S. this joint gymnastics activity can be carried out regularly, so that it can be a means of creating a family atmosphere among members of the USU Board of Professors.

“We plan to carry out this activity twice a month to become a routine activity for the board of professors,” explained Prof. Rosmayati.

In addition, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rosmayati, M.S., emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy body during academic activities because it will impact the productivity and performance of the USU Board of Professors. For this reason, active participation from all members of the Board of Professors is highly expected in this activity.

“Being healthy is important, and with this joint exercise, we hope to encourage members to be more concerned about their respective health,” explained Prof. Rosmayati.

Prof. Ir. Seri Maulina M.Si., Ph.D hopes that this gymnastics activity can be the beginning of routine activities that bring good benefits to all members of the USU Board of Professors so that it can reflect the spirit of togetherness and efforts to improve body health, which is expected to create a healthier and more productive academic environment.

“In a healthy body, there is a healthy soul. That's just our motto,” said Prof. Seri.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Public Relations

Interviewee: Prof. Rosmayati. - Head of the USU Board of Professors

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Public Relations

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