



Field Assessment of the Master's Program in Property Management at USU

Published At25 March 2024
Published ByBambang Riyanto
Field Assessment of the Master's Program in Property Management at USU
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"The success of achieving the best accreditation for the Master's Program in Property Management and Assessment at the USU Graduate School also has implications for increasing the motivation of the leaders, lecturers, and students in this program to achieve the set performance targets," said Prof. Poppy.

USU PR — The Independent Accreditation Agency for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting (LAMEMBA) conducted a field assessment of the Master's Program in Property Management and Assessment at the USU Graduate School, bringing in two assessors, Prof. Sani Susanto, M.T., Ph.D., CRMP, IPU, AER from Parahyangan Catholic University, and Dr. Nimmi Zukbainarni, S.Pi, M.Si from IPB University. The assessment took place in the Meeting Room on the 1st Floor of the Graduate School on Thursday (Feb. 21)

Vice Rector III for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., welcomed the arrival of the assessors from LAMEMBA as part of the accreditation process for the Master's Program in Property Management and Assessment at USU.

"First of all, we express our gratitude and welcome to the Assessor Team from the Independent Accreditation Agency for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting, who have attended today's Field Assessment," said Prof. Poppy.

Vice Rector III stated that the Master's Program in Property Management and Assessment at USU is the first master's program in Indonesia that offers higher education in property management and assessment. Therefore, she hopes this program's leaders, lecturers, and students will increase their motivation to achieve the set performance targets and generate various important innovations and breakthroughs in academic and non-academic fields.

"The success of achieving the best accreditation for the Master's Program in Property Management and Assessment at the USU Graduate School also has implications for increasing the motivation of the leaders, lecturers, and students in this program to achieve the set performance targets," said Prof. Poppy.

Vice Rector III hopes to provide the best results for the Property Management and Assessment Program accreditation at the USU Graduate School through this field assessment, maintaining the excellent status achieved before. This assessment will also serve as an indicator of the success of the implemented work program and an evaluation of all the shortcomings in both academic and administrative services.

Furthermore, Prof. Sani Susanto, M.T., Ph.D., CRMP, IPU, AER, explained his role as an assessor is to check and ensure that what is written in the evaluation documents and other documents corresponds to the reality in the field.
"Our task is to check and ensure that what is claimed is true," said Prof. Sani.

In addition, Prof. Sani also mentioned that assessors gather information not included in the documents due to their limited pages.
"We dig deeper because there may be many things that are not yet included in the documents that have been submitted," said Prof. Sani.

Furthermore, Dr. Nimmi Zukbainarni, S.Pi, M.Si., stated that the assessors do not make the decision resulting from this assessment. She said that assessors can only assist the program with their utmost capabilities to ensure it is worthy of evaluation according to the existing criteria.

"The decision regarding whether it will excel or not is not in our hands, but we will assist to the best of our abilities, ladies and gentlemen," said Dr. Nimmi.

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