



FK USU Handed Over New PPDS Sp-1 and Sp-2 Students

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Bambang Riyanto

FK USU Handed Over New PPDS Sp-1 and Sp-2 Students

"“I would like to congratulate the Specialist Doctor (Sp-1) and Subspecialist Doctor (Sp-2) students for their success in passing the selection. The Universitas Sumatera Utara is proud to accept you as sons and daughters of the nation, " Vice Rector I stated"

USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a handover of new students of the Specialist Doctor Education Program (Sp-1) and Subspecialist Doctor (Sp-2) Faculty of Medicine USU on Friday (11/08/2023) at the USU Faculty of Medicine (FK) Hall. The number of new students is 75 PPDS Sp1 and 7 PPDS Sp2 who will continue their education at the USU Faculty of Medicine.

The handover of new PPDS students was accompanied by socialization related to the Prevention of Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the FK USU Specialist Doctor Education Program Environment by resource person Prof. Dr. dr. Elmeida Effendy, M.Ked (KJ)., Sp.KJ (K) and Prevention of Plagiarism in the FK USU Environment by resource person Dr. dr. Cut Adeya Adella, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K).

In his remarks, Vice Rector I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Affairs of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dr. Edy Ikhsan, SH, MA, welcomed the presence and congratulated the Specialist Doctor (Sp-1) and Subspecialist Doctor (Sp-2) students who had successfully passed the selection. Vice Rector I added that Universitas Sumatera Utara is so proud of the presence of new PPDS students as sons and daughters of the nation who want to pursue education at USU.

“I would like to congratulate the Specialist Doctor (Sp-1) and Subspecialist Doctor (Sp-2) students for their success in passing the selection. The Universitas Sumatera Utara is proud to accept you as sons and daughters of the nation, " Vice Rector I stated

USU University Secretary Prof. Dr. dr. Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar M.Ked (OG), Sp. O.G, Subsp. F.E.R also said that the admission selection process runs transparently and accountably in the acceptance of Specialist Doctors (Sp-1) and Subspecialist Doctors (Sp-2), and it is hoped that students who will continue their education at FK USU can benefit the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, it was conveyed that accepting PPDS students at FK USU in the future is also open to other countries as a manifestation of internationalization.

"We want this process to run transparently, accountably, and yes, we will accept the best students who later, after they finish their education, will certainly also do their best for the Republic of Indonesia," said Prof. Fidel.

"We are indeed heading towards internationalization, so in the future, we will accept students for this PPDS from other countries."

Furthermore, the Dean of the USU Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Aldy Syafrudin Rambe, Sp.S (K), explained the flow of registration for FK USU PPDS student admissions, starting from online registration, file selection, oral exams, and computer-based exams that uphold the principle of transparency to produce the best students to be educated.

"The first stage is online registration. Then file selection will be carried out. After the file selection, it will be announced who is entitled to take the written exam, which we do computer-based, and then there is an oral exam conducted in each study program."

"We always uphold the principle of transparency; we will always try to get the best prospective doctors and PPDS students for us to educate."

Vice Dean I FK USU, Dr. dr Delyuzar, M.Ked (PA), Sp.PA (K), in his speech, also advised new students to study diligently and complete their education on time.

"Students study well and diligently so you can complete their education on time."

Resource person and Chairperson of the PPDS TKP Dr dr Cut Adeya Adella, M.Ked (OG), Sp.OG (K) hopes that PPDS students will refrain from practicing plagiarism and bullying in the FK USU environment from the material presented at the socialization.

"It is hoped that these new PPDS students will not practice plagiarism, so from the beginning, we have explained plagiarism and bullying."

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas


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