



USU-BPSIP North Sumatra Strengthens Collaboration in Optimizing North Sumatra's Agricultural Land

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Renny Julia Harahap

USU-BPSIP North Sumatra Strengthens Collaboration in Optimizing North Sumatra's Agricultural Land

"“We have conducted various studies, especially in agricultural development in areas such as Langkat Regency to Nias. One of our focuses is optimizing less productive land, such as the USU Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry land in Kuala Bekala, said the Head of BPSIP Sumut”"

USU PR - The Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., received an audience from the Head of the North Sumatra Agricultural Instrument Standardization Implementation Center (BPSIP), Dr. Khadijah EL Ramija, SPi, MP. This meeting discussed the development and optimization of agricultural land in North Sumatra through collaboration. It took place in the USU Rector's Audience Room on Monday (01/09/2024).

During the meeting, the Head of BPSIP North Sumatra explained that BPSIP has worked closely with various parties to support the development of the agricultural sector in North Sumatra since it was founded in 1995.

“We have conducted various studies, especially in agricultural development in areas such as Langkat Regency to Nias. One of our focuses is optimizing less productive land, such as the USU Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry land in Kuala Bekala,” he said.

The USU Rector also conveyed plans to support the Nias Regent's request for land optimization in North Nias. Collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and BPSIP with USU is expected to increase the productivity of the land.

In addition, BPSIP also plays an active role in supporting the education and training of USU students. The head of BPSIP North Sumatra mentioned that many students have participated in an internship program at BPSIP, where they can learn and apply agricultural technology directly. Going forward, BPSIP and USU also plan to expand cooperation with local governments in North Sumatra, particularly in supporting agricultural development in underdeveloped areas.

“We have accredited laboratory facilities and experimental gardens that are ready to be used for learning activities and student field practice. This is in line with the spirit of the Kampus Merdeka dan Merdeka Belajar,” he explained.

In the audience, the Head of BPSIP North Sumatra also emphasized BPSIP's commitment in supporting USU through various sustainable research and development programs. One of them is a collaboration plan for developing land in Kuala Bekala into a productive agricultural area that not only focuses on cultivation but also on processing agricultural products into ready-to-sell products.

“The Rector emphasized the importance of producing real products from the garden in Kuala Bekala, so that the benefits can be felt by the wider community,” he said.


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