



USU Career Expo and Car Boot Sale 2024

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Bambang Riyanto

USU Career Expo and Car Boot Sale 2024

""This becomes something that guides and motivates us to encourage our students then to get jobs more quickly," expressed Vice Rector I. "

USU PR—In an effort to enhance job opportunities for alumni and foster entrepreneurship among students, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) organized its annual event, the USU Career Expo and Car Boot Sale, on Monday (May 29, 2024) at the Gelanggang Mahasiswa Building. This integrated event, held for the first time, aims to achieve the university's main goals of increasing the number of employed USU graduates and nurturing future entrepreneurs.

Vice Rector I of USU, Dr. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A., stated that the Career Expo is one of the key performance indicators set by the Ministry of Education to help alumni quickly secure employment.

"We inform that quickly obtaining employment is one of the indicators; it becomes the rector's performance contract," said Vice Rector I.

There is a stigma in society that universities only contribute to the unemployment rate in Indonesia. Therefore, he hopes that through the Career Expo 2024, with the participation of 27 companies, it can serve as a bridge for alumni to find employment opportunities.

"This becomes something that guides and motivates us to encourage our students then to get jobs more quickly," expressed Vice Rector I.

The Head of the USU Research and Innovation Development Agency, Buchari, S.T., M.Kes, added that this year's Career Expo and Car Boot Sale are held simultaneously to integrate these activities. He mentioned that 40 cars are participating in the Car Boot Sale this year, with an average of three businesses per car, totaling around 120 businesses. The estimated participation of students is between 300-500. Buchari S.T., M.Kes., also stated that this event could be the breeding ground for future startups, providing opportunities for students to engage in entrepreneurship programs such as PKMKC and P2MW.

"Today, we combine these activities so that they are integrated. This program, USU Career Expo and Car Boot Sale is there to help me achieve IKU 1," said the Head of the USU Research and Innovation Development Agency.

On another occasion, the Career and Entrepreneurship Manager of USU, Drs. Ami Dilham, M.Si., emphasized the importance of this event aligning with the university's goal to facilitate job placement and entrepreneurship among its students. He hopes that the Career Expo will facilitate job placements for graduates and encourage alumni participating in the Car Boot Sale to pursue entrepreneurship ventures.

"With the presence of many companies at the Career Expo 2024, there will be many opportunities for our alumni to be employed in various participating companies," said Ami.

Author: bambang riyanto - staf humas

Interviewee: Edy Ikhsan SH., MA - Wakil Rektor I USU

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Staf Humas

Alumni & Career

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