



Vice Rector IV USU Leads the Morning Apel: RKA Must Focus on Efficiency

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Bambang Riyanto

Vice Rector IV USU Leads the Morning Apel: RKA Must Focus on Efficiency

"The role of the Head of Section, head of sub-section, and all staff is very important considering that the activities outlined in the RKA do not guarantee that they can be implemented according to plan, explained Prof. Opim."

USU PR - Vice Rector (WR) IV for Information, Planning, and Development of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Prof. Dr. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc. together with all work units under him, focused on planning and development by entering the RKA implementation period for Fiscal Year 2024. This was conveyed at the implementation of a routine morning apple at the USU Central Administration Bureau Building Courtyard, on Monday (29/01/2024).

The activity was attended by all work units under the leadership of Vice Rector IV, which included the Directorate of Digitalization and System Integration (Ditgrasi), the Bureau of Information Systems, Planning, and Development, the Priority Program Evaluation Section, and the Information Systems Center (PSI).

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc., highlighted the Planning and Development Section which deals with the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the RKA. The focus of work in this section is how all activities outlined in the RKA of each work unit can be monitored, both the implementation and the achievement of the objectives of the activity.

“The role of the Head of Section, head of sub-section, and all staff is very important considering that the activities outlined in the RKA do not guarantee that they can be implemented according to plan,” explained Prof. Opim.

Prof. Dr. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc., also emphasized the role of Ditgrasi to present OneData USU through the ERP system. Also, the Priority Program Evaluation Agency in the execution and evaluation of the RKA to stay on track to achieve USU's performance. Also, the Information Systems Center is the main supporting unit in the USU information system. Finally, the University Library is a unit that supports the teaching and learning process of the entire USU academic community.

“I express my high appreciation for all the hard work so that USU can maintain the performance of the Government Agency Accountability Report (LAKIP) at an A rating,” said Prof. Opim.

Efficiency and prudence need to be considered, given the increasing challenges of implementing priority programs from both the Ministry of Research and Technology and the USU Rector's priority programs.

Therefore, Prof. Dr. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc., hopes that the work units can carry out various activities that have been outlined in the RKA, adhering to the principles of prudence and financial efficiency.

“I hope that each of us will conduct a self-evaluation of all the work that has been carried out and completed in 2023 and correct the existing shortcomings,” hoped Prof. Opim.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Public Relations

Interviewee: Prof. Opim Salim Sitompul - Vice Rector IV USU

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Public Relation


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