



Assessment of the USU FISIP Master's Program in Public Administration

Published At25 June 2024
Published ByDavid Kevin Handel Hutabarat
Assessment of the USU FISIP Master's Program in Public Administration
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We hope that through the assessment, the Master's Program in Public Administration at FISIP USU can enhance its accreditation status from good to a higher level," said Dr. Edy.

USU PR — The Faculty of Social Science and Political Science (FISIP) at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is conducting a field assessment activity for the Master's Program in Public Administration by inviting two assessors from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT), Dr. Didik Gunawan Suharto, S.Sos., M.Si., and Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti, M.Si. on Friday (Jun. 14, 2024).

The Master's Program in Public Administration was established in 2020. Establishing this master's program is one of USU's efforts to create a responsive and synergistic society and government apparatus in Public Administration and Public Policy. Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Dr. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A., added that the goal of establishing the Master's Program in Public Administration is to produce skilled, integrity-driven graduates who master the theory and can apply and interpret Public Administration and Public Policy in an integrated system.

Vice Rector I expressed his hope that this field assessment will improve the Master's Program in Public Administration's accreditation status from ‘GOOD’ to a higher level.

"We hope that through the assessment, the Master's Program in Public Administration at FISIP USU can enhance its accreditation status from ‘Good’ to a higher level," said Dr. Edy.

One of the BAN-PT assessors, Dr. Didik Gunawan Suharto, S.Sos., M.Si., mentioned that through this field assessment, they will re-examine what has been previously presented regarding this program. He also stated that, as in the accreditation process in general, the position of an assessor is a partner of the program to ensure quality sustainability in this program.

"And as in the accreditation process in general, our position as assessors has been a partner of the program," said Dr. Didik.

Dr. Didik also hopes to receive full support from the faculty and university during the assessment process.

"We will optimize the available time to complete this process, and we will seek permission if we need to confirm data later on," said Dr. Didik.

This assessment activity is expected to provide valuable information, evaluation, and recommendations to further develop and strengthen the Master's Program in Public Administration and support the faculty's future progress.

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