




Master's Program in Chemistry

The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Master's Program in Chemistry provides scientific deepening in the field of chemistry with a focus on research and development. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will gain a deep understanding of modern chemical principles, analytical techniques, and chemical applications in various industries and scientific fields.

In addition, the program offers opportunities to engage in innovative and impactful research, both on a laboratory and industrial scale. Students will be mentored by lecturers who are experts in the field of chemistry to develop the research skills necessary to solve relevant complex problems in chemistry. Thus, graduates of this program are expected to become competent chemical scientists and contribute to the scientific advancement and chemical industry in Indonesia and internationally.

Master's Program in Chemistry

Master's Program in Chemistry

Accredited Excellent



Master's Program in Chemistry

Master's Program in Chemistry
Certificate of Accreditation Master's Program in Chemistry
Master's Program in Chemistry

Master's Program in Chemistry

Accredited Excellent



Master's Program in Chemistry

Master's Program in Chemistry
Certificate of Accreditation Master's Program in Chemistry
Graduates Profile

Given the fact that there is often a gap between market needs and the graduates produced due to the incompatibility of the curriculum with available jobs and scientific advances, it is hoped that every graduate of the Master's Program in Chemistry at USU can play a major role in society and the professional world. The curriculum must be flexible and dynamic. Based on the 2017 KKNI Curriculum for the Master's Program in Chemistry, in general, the graduate profile of the Master's Program in Chemistry is Researchers and Innovators in the Chemical Field, Professional Leaders (Managers) in the industrial sector, Resource Persons, and Entrepreneurs.

Duration of Study

The USU Master's Program in Chemistry includes a learning process equivalent to 41 credits (SKS) that can be completed within 8 semesters or 4 years. Students are eligible for the Master of Science (M.Si.) degree after obtaining a minimum of 41 credits in accordance with the established curriculum requirements, completing a research project presented in a master's degree level research work, known as a thesis, obtaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75, and mandatory publication of research results in at least an accredited national journal.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Chemistry is the parent of several chemical derivatives such as: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Material and Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products, and others. The target learning outcomes are expected to enable each student of the Master's Program in Chemistry to be able to compete outside, both socially and academically. So that after participating in learning, graduates of the Master's Program in Chemistry can:

  1. 1Mastering science in the fields of: Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical and Bioinorganic chemistry
  2. 2Mastering research philosophy and scientific theory on research methodology in the field of excellence: materials, natural resources and agro-industry
  3. 3Mastering research methods and the use of instrumentation equipment and error theory so that the research results produced are as expected
  4. 4Mastering the theory of chemical computing science in order to formulate observational data to analyze research results
  5. 5Mastering communication theory to be able to interpret data in the form of numbers (quantitative) and can be conveyed to the public
  6. 6Mastering the theories and concepts as well as methods of writing scientific papers
  7. 7Mastering the theory of knowledge related to organizational progress and mastering creating good ideas and being able to create the vision and mission of an organization
  8. 8Mastering strong communication skills to be able to nurture superiors, subordinates, and people
  9. 9Mastering theories related to computers to run programs in managing a job
  10. 10Mastering the knowledge of management in order to manage time well
  11. 11Mastering broad managerial theories in order to make appropriate and reliable decisions
  12. 12Mastering communication theory both with electronic media and computing media
  13. 13Possess a good grasp of communication methods and theories
  14. 14Mastering the theory of all forms of questions submitted by the audience whether there is a theory to all questions
  15. 15Mastering the concept of designing a processing system or process of converting raw materials into products
  16. 16Mastering an understanding of communication techniques, technological developments and the concept of designing a processing system in industry
Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic and Natural Materials Chemistry is a discipline that focuses on the study of carbon-containing chemical compounds, which are essential elements in all living things and many synthetically produced molecules. Topics studied include organic molecular structure, physical and chemical properties, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, and various analytical methods to identify and characterize organic compounds. One of the main objectives of this group is to understand in depth the properties and behavior of organic compounds under various conditions, both in the laboratory and in nature. This includes how organic compounds react, interact with the environment, and play a role in various aspects of life, such as the pharmaceutical, fuel, cosmetic, food, and materials industries. Organic compounds have important roles in various application areas, such as the pharmaceutical industry for the development of drugs, the fuel industry for the development of environmentally friendly fuels, and the cosmetics industry for beauty products. The group also focuses on developing efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical methods of synthesizing organic compounds. The development of new materials with desirable properties is also an important concern in this research.

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry is a discipline that focuses on the study of the properties, structure, and reactivity of chemical compounds that do not contain carbon, including elements and compounds that are widely found in nature. Topics studied include atomic structure, chemical bonding, the periodic table, inorganic compounds, chemical reactions, and physical and chemical properties of chemical elements. One of the main objectives of this group is to understand in depth the properties and behavior of inorganic chemical compounds under various conditions, both in the laboratory and in natural contexts. This includes an understanding of how inorganic compounds react, interact with the environment, and contribute to various aspects of human life. Inorganic compounds have important roles in various applications, such as industry, agriculture, environment, technology, and health. The group also focuses on developing efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical methods of synthesizing inorganic compounds. A deeper understanding of the properties of inorganic materials also enables the development of new materials that have desirable characteristics for specialized applications, such as fillers in energy technology, catalysts for chemical reactions, or absorbent materials for environmental cleaning.

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry is a discipline that focuses on the study and development of chemical analysis methods to identify, measure, and separate components in a sample. Topics of study include a variety of analytical techniques, including spectroscopy, chromatography, electrochemistry, and microscopy, used to analyze the structure and chemical properties of samples. The main goal of this group is to understand the nature and content of a sample, both on a macroscopic and microscopic scale. By understanding the composition of a sample, including the elements, compounds, or molecules present in it, we can understand the specific properties and characteristics of a material. This knowledge is essential in many fields, such as medicine for disease diagnosis, environmental science for monitoring water and air quality, the food industry for ensuring product safety, and forensic science for the analysis of criminal evidence. In addition, the group also focuses on developing new chemical analysis methods that are more accurate, fast, and efficient. Innovation in chemical analysis instrument technology is also an important focus to enable the development of more advanced and up-to-date analytical methods.

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry is a discipline that specifically focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and development of new materials with specific properties for applications in various industries. The main focus of this group is to understand the structural and compositional properties of materials and how these affect the desired functional properties. In an effort to produce materials that meet the needs of specific applications, techniques are developed to control and optimize the properties of these materials. The importance of research in materials chemistry is indisputable given the central role of materials in various modern technologies. The development of new materials or the improvement of existing materials has direct implications for many industrial sectors, including energy, transportation, health, electronics, and the environment. For example, research in materials chemistry could lead to the development of more efficient solar cells, more active catalysts, more sensitive sensors, or longer-lasting batteries. The main goal of the group is to create efficient, sustainable, and reliable materials for use in various technological applications. This includes considering aspects such as durability, energy efficiency, conductivity, and adaptability to different environments.





Biochemistry is a subfield of science that focuses on the study of chemical compounds and chemical reactions that occur in biological systems, from the molecular level to the organismal level. The main focus of the group is to understand the structure and function of biomolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, as well as the metabolic processes, genetic regulation, and cellular signaling involved in an organism's life. Research in deep biochemistry enables a better understanding of how biomolecules work together in biological systems. This includes studying how biomolecules interact and contribute to life processes such as reproduction, growth, and response to the environment. This research also identifies changes or dysfunctions at the molecular level that may contribute to human disease and health disorders. The main goal of the group is to understand the fundamentals of biochemistry, identify and explore the relationship between the structure of biomolecules and their biological functions, and apply this knowledge to drive progress in a variety of areas, including drug development, disease prevention, and the improvement of human health.

Tuition Fee

Master's Program in Chemistry

IDR 10,000,000

Single Tuition Fee (Regular Class)

IDR 10,000,000

Single Tuition Fee (Pemprovsu Partnership Class)

IDR 7,000,000

Institutional Development Fee (Regular Class)

IDR 7,000,000

Institutional Development Fee (Pemprovsu Partnership Class)

Semester 1

Odd Semester Course 1

Organic Chemical Synthesis
Biological Chemistry
Chemical Structure Determination
Protein Chemistry
Advanced Polymer Physics Chemistry
Semester 2

Even Semester Course 1

Research Methodology
Elective Course
Agricultural Product Transformation Chemistry
Inorganic Chemical Synthesis
Polymer and Composite Materials Processing
Advanced Analytical Chemistry
Semester 3

Odd Semester Course 2

Thesis Research Proposal Seminar (Colloquium)
Elective Course
Fragrance Ingredient Chemistry
Oleochemicals and Carbohydrates
Enzyme Chemistry Technology
Polymer Chemistry Technology
Mining and Mineral Transformation Chemistry
Sensor Chemistry
Semester 4

Even Semester Course 2

Thesis Research Seminar
Scientific Work
Thesis Research and Examination

Master's Program in Chemistry

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Sumatera Utara

Find more about Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Master's Program in Chemistry Universitas Sumatera Utara on the following web page

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