



Glancing at Sileme-Leme Panorama in Parsingguran II Village

DetailsWednesday, 05 April 2023
DetailsFildzah Zata Amani Nst

"Panorama Sileme-leme is a new tourist attraction that was pioneered in 2021. In 2022, the Fostered Village Team from the Universitas Sumatera Utara guided tourism development in the village of Parsingguran II. It resulted in very significant changes, as well as providing benefits, both for the village and its people. The Assisted Village Team of Universitas Sumatera Utara paid more attention to infrastructure development, human resource development, and increasing the existence of art groups previously formed by the community."

The development of the Lake Toba tourism area is one of the Tourism Priorities in Indonesia, according to Presidential Regulation 81 of 2014 concerning the Spatial Plan for the Lake Toba area and its surroundings. Unsurprisingly, the regions around Lake Toba are rushing to improve their areas, primarily to explore their tourism potential. One of the efforts is to increase cooperation with the Government and various institutions with similar concerns.

Parsingguran II is one of the villages in the Pollung sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This village is located between Parsingguran I Village and Baktiraja District, which has stunning natural charm, especially the panorama of Lake Toba and the surrounding hills, which can be developed as a leading tourist area around Lake Toba.

Parsingguran II Village is a village assisted by Universitas Sumatera Utara, pioneered as a tourist village in the Lake Toba Region and inaugurated in December 2022. Universitas Sumatera Utara Lecturer Team developed this destination through the Community Service Institute chaired by Samerdanta Sinulingga, S.ST.Par., M.Par and consisting of Amalia Meutia, M.Psi, Andi Pratama Lubis, S.S., M.Hum, Solahuddin Nasution, SE, MSP, Wahyu Sugeng Imam Soeparno, SE, M.Si, and other team members.

Tourism in Parsingguran II Village has only been addressed starting October 2021, when Team Leader Samerdanta Sinulingga first conducted service, made a tourism promotion film, and continued with intense guidance for the community from June 1, 2022, to January 2023.

In the village, the construction and arrangement of Sileme-leme Panorama have been carried out, which is expected to be the main attraction for visiting domestic and foreign tourists. The expanse of Lake Toba, which shadows a calm blue like a painting and is enjoyed from the height of the ridge, is an undeniable attraction of this area.

Sileme-leme Panorama is a new tourist attraction that was pioneered in 2021. In 2022, the Assisted Village Team from the Universitas Sumatera Utara guided tourism development in Parsingguran II village. It resulted in very significant changes, as well as providing benefits, both for the village and its people. The Assisted Village Team of the University of North Sumatra paid more attention to infrastructure development, human resource development, and increasing the existence of art groups previously formed by the community.

The implementation program of this tourism village pilot begins with the construction of facilities and infrastructure to support a safe, clean, comfortable, and well-organized tourist area. So a selfie location was built for visitors who explore the natural beauty, constructing a building for purchasing entrance tickets, making a garden and providing trash bins, and a set of traditional Toba Batak musical instruments that support art performances in the place.

Previously, there were no ticket booths, pavilions, and selfie locations at the location; even the available cleaning facilities were also very minimal. Pokdarwis, Bumdes, and the local community have yet to be maximized in carrying out tourism activities practically. After the Assisted Village Team was guided to human resources in Parsingguran II Village, Pokdarwis actively applied promotional skills. They strengthened teamwork in mobilizing environmental awareness of tourism from tree planting, environmental cleanliness, and maintaining or maintaining tourism support facilities in the assisted village. Bumdes fully supports the tourism program in Parsingguran II Village by implementing the initial ticket collection, which eventually becomes a routine income for tourism activities in the village. The community also lent land to support the expansion of tourist sites as an active role in supporting tourism in their village. It encouraged the younger generation to participate in Pokdarwis and the Art Studio. The Art Studio, which previously did not have traditional musical instruments and performance clothes, can now carry out its activities because the USU Assisted Village Team fully facilitates it.

The coaching and development of tourism carried out by the USU Assisted Village Team for Sileme-leme Panorama are in the form of practical guidance by going directly to the field through discussion group forums and communities directly involved in tourism management, providing service practices for tourists and Bumdes also established PerDes 2022 as a legal force for ticket collection for tourists. On December 24, 2022 - January 07, 2023, the first ticket collection was carried out, which collected funds of IDR 5,000,000 (five million rupiahs) used as the cash of Parsingguran II Village. Currently, the collection is only carried out on Saturdays and Sundays, the management of which is directly held by BUMDES and POKDARWIS.

The tourist sites in Parsingguran II Village used to be forest land still owned by the government. However, after the community opened it as a tourist location with the help of the USU Team and it was well utilized, the Government intended to release the 1,900-hectare land to be managed by the community. However, the community and government of Parsingguran II Village hope that the USU Team can continue to assist them until they are independent in tourism management. The community will manage the release of the 1,900 hectares of land for tourist sites and community farmland, designed to support organized agritourism activities.

There are several strategic and tactical objectives for the assisted village. The withdrawal of tourism tickets serves as a way to strengthen BUMDES' legitimacy and image in the tourism management field. A valid indication that the village can manage the forest land according to the ministry's assessment standards is needed before the state releases it to the village. In addition, the established selfie location functions strategically to attract tourists, so the village has bargaining power with the center in managing and developing the tourist site. Furthermore, art and cultural studies that reflect local identity are being strengthened to illustrate that future tourism management and development will be carried out in a cultured way and that traditions will be maintained through tourism management, which can reflect the ethnicity of Parsingguran II Village. No less critical sanitation facilities are a top priority in this land acquisition, indicating that land management will still pay attention to environmental maintenance and conservation principles.

According to Samerdanta, the community response to the USU Assisted Village Team was very positive and good. "The community and the Village Government asked USU to continue to assist the community in applying good tourism management to tourism development. So that the target in 2024, namely an independent tourism community, can be achieved, "he said.

During a visit made in January 2023 to Parsingguran Village, the team gathered stakeholders to convey the obstacles faced in implementing tourism in Parsingguran II Village so that they could be evaluated. They also discussed the community's expectations for supporting tourism facilities and infrastructure and what programs will be implemented to achieve an Independent Tourism Community.

University Activity
Community Service Activity

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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