



University Activity

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Berita Universitas
University Activity
Research Activity
USU Lecturer Concern on the Extinction of Orangutan Tapanuli

Onrizal, S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D, a forestry researcher from the Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, is currently studying biodiversity in Sumatra, where he was born and raised. He was born on the Dareh River, an area on the banks of the Dareh River, West Sumatra.

19 October 2023

Berita Universitas
Research Article
University Activity
Research Activity
Oxalis Dehradunensis Raizada Anti Aging Cream

This innovative product is developed with natural raw materials. It has good properties to reduce exposure to free radicals, wrinkles and shrink pores on the face, and significantly reduce blemishes and spots on women's skin. By utilising this anti-aging cream, farmers can better care for and maintain healthy skin and reduce the risk of premature aging in farmers.

02 February 2023

Berita Universitas
Research Article
University Activity
Research Activity
Innovation of Hand Soap Gel extracted from Acem-Acem Leaves

The HI Cloud Viral start-up, started by Dr Eka Lestari Mahyuni, SKM, M.Kes, from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, will be producing hand washing soap containing acem-acem leaf extract that is able to wash off chemical exposure.

02 February 2023

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Research Activity
USU Lecturers Receive Patent for Self-Care Invention

The patent for the website ariganursingselfcare.com responds to various problems that occur in society, such as the increase in population, the long distance between patients and health care centres, the cost and time that patients have to spend to get services, the lack of professional nurses and the increasing number of degenerative diseases.

02 February 2023

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Research Activity
Banana Leaf Nanofiber Filter Mask Ready to be Developed

Although the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia which has lasted for more than two years is being prepared for the transition to endemic status, however, the implementation of health protocols is still being implemented, especially at public meetings in closed rooms. Covid-19 is still seen as a threat that is quite dangerous for anyone, and masks are still mandatory to wear to avoid transmission.

19 October 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Research Activity
USU Produce Spice Processing Innovation into Herbal Medicine

"This activity examines the benefits of a spice, namely making a traditional medicine by utilizing agricultural products and this research can later become one of the tourism icons in Pondok Tengah Village. It is hoped that this research product can also be one of USU's innovation products in collaboration with HAPSARI and Pondok Tengah Village," Prof. Poppy said.

30 August 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity
USU LPPM Team Builds a More Modern Desa Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau

Ismayadi explained the Desa Binaan Perkebunan Tanjung Kasau Team is planning to bring 4 major village theme programs that will be realized, namely Desa Sehat, Desa Ekonomi Bangkit, Desa Wisata Budaya, and Desa Literasi Digital.

06 August 2022

Berita Universitas
SDGs 1
University Activity
Community Service Activity
Recent Portraits of Mangrove Recovery in Lubuk Kertang

Results never betray effort and struggle. This quote describes the current condition of the mangrove area in Lubuk Kertang, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency-North Sumatra. After a long struggle, the collaboration of local communities, NGOs, academics, lawyers, and the government, now the mangrove ecosystem, which was disturbed and severely affected by encroachment, is recovering and greening.

08 June 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity
USU Lecturer Team Assists Farmers to Increase Potato Production

Semangat Village is one of the villages located in Merdeka District, Karo Regency, approximately 70 km from the Universitas Sumatera Utara campus in Medan City. The team of lecturers from the Universitas Sumatera Utara through the Institute of Community Service has conducted a service village program in Semangat Village by producing several facilities, including clean water facilities that are used by the community to meet clean water needs, soil testing equipment to determine soil content, and agricultural tractors that are used by the community to do tillage and others.

18 April 2022

Berita Universitas
University Activity
Community Service Activity
FEB USU Conducted Aquaponic Catfish Farming Community Service in Medan Belawan

Medan Belawan Sub-district is one of the areas in Medan City directly adjacent to the Strait of Malacca in its northern part. This border makes marine activities very common in the area. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional Head I is located in Medan Belawan Sub-district, which contributes to various economic activities and employment. Many locals work as fishermen who harvest seafood.

10 February 2022

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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