



USU Research Collaboration Lowers Stunting Rate in Sergai

Published At27 April 2023
Published ByWildan Taufik Wibowo Nasution
USU Research Collaboration Lowers Stunting Rate in Sergai
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The 6-month research collaboration with 20 health centers, 6 urban villages, and 243 villages in Serdang Bedagai Regency has proven that the provision of syrup containing a combination of extracts of cork fish, meniran, and temulawak from PT MMP is proven to reduce stunting rates

USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) together with three other institutions consisting of Bina Nusantara University (Binus), Serdang Bedagai Regency Government (Sergai), and PT Mega Medica Pharmaceuticals (MMP) have conducted collaborative stunting research, which has succeeded in reducing the stunting rate by 38 percent in Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra. The 6-month research collaboration, which was attended by 20 health centers, 6 urban villages, and 243 villages in Serdang Bedagai Regency, has proven that giving syrup containing a combination of cork fish extract, meniran, and temulawak from PT MMP is proven to reduce stunting rates.

Research Team Leader Prof. Bens Pardamean, B.Sc. M.Sc., Ph.D., in a research report on the registry study of stunting prevalence in Sedang Bedagai Regency, said the research was conducted through the Integrated Database System. Sergai Regency is currently running a stunting handling program, in the form of providing products from PT MMP, providing additional food, and a combination of both. Bens Pardamean stated that the process of recording, storing, and accessing data to analyze the effect of programs or interventions on the growth and development of stunted toddlers was carried out by utilizing the Stunting DB application.

This was conveyed in the presentation of stunting research results at the Bina Nusantara University Joint Stunting Innovation Reflection activity, recently, which was attended by the Regent of Sergai, H.. Darma Wijaya, and several district/city leaders, Head of BKKBN dr Hasto Wardoyo, Sp. OG (K), Prof Dr dr Sarma Nursani Lumban Raja, Sp.OG (K) and Dr rer dr M Ichwan, M.Sc, Dean of the USU Faculty of Medicine Prof Dr dr Aldy Safruddin Rambe, Sp.S (K), Imam Bagus Sumantri, S.Farm, M.Si. Apt, Dean of the USU Faculty of Pharmacy Khairunnisa, S.Si., M.Pharm, Ph.D. and Director of PT MMP, Sutristo.

The stunting rate in Serdang Bedagai previously reached 483 toddlers. After passing stage I validation, by discarding repetitive data, stage II validation was carried out by isolating toddlers to 219 people from 17 health centers. After the study ran for 6 months, the characteristics of the study participants experienced changes in height growth, weight gain, appetite, and a decrease in the frequency of fever or diarrhea. According to him, in general, the three treatment programs have a significant impact. Especially through the provision of Channafit to research participants, which gave far more encouraging results than the other two handling programs. This can be measured by the impact of a significant anthropometric increase of 8.45 cm and 2.80 kg.

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp. OG (K) appreciated the stunting research involving academics, government, community, and industry. According to him, the program can help the central government accelerate the reduction of stunting at the national level.

Meanwhile, Sutristo from PT MMP said that the company focuses on developing products for maternal and child health sourced from Indonesian natural ingredients, especially from cork fish Channa striata. The products developed are available for pregnant women, mothers giving birth, nursing mothers, and children.

"For the availability of raw materials, the company has successfully cultivated cork fish with organic maggot feed and domesticated fish broodstock, so that sustainability and product quality can be maintained," Sutristo said.

Preclinical testing of the combination of cork fish extract, ginger, meniran, and honey in the form of syrup to prevent stunting was also carried out by the USU Faculty of Pharmacy. "Supplementation of a combination of cork fish extract, temulawak, meniran, and honey in syrup preparation in test animals with a dose of 135 mg/kg body weight (BB) showed the best activity, followed by a dose of 90 mg/kg body weight, a dose of 45 mg/kg body weight," Sutristo explained.

Cork fish (channa striata) is a local natural resource that has nutritional potential with a complete essential amino acid content and its composition is close to the amino acids needed by the body, so it can help in efforts to prevent malnutrition. While temulawak, meniran, and honey have compounds that can increase appetite.

"The existing data shows that the combination of cork fish extract, temulawak, meniran, and honey can be a promising approach to be used in the intervention of stunting cases," Sutristo added. (RJ)

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