



Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Accredited with Excellence

BAN-PT 105/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/PT/II/2023

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is one of the best public universities in Indonesia located in Medan, North Sumatra. Originally established in 1952 under the name Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara, USU has developed into a top university offering a variety of quality study programs. President Soekarno inaugurated USU as the 7th state university in Indonesia in 1957. In 2003, USU upgraded its status to a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) and became the 5th PTN-BH university in Indonesia. Its various advantages, such as modern facilities and expert teaching staff, make it one of the best universities in Indonesia.






Assistant Professors




Intellectual Property Rights




Diploma Program


Undergraduate Program


Postgraduate Program


Professional Study and Specialist Program


Associate Professors



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History USU 1951


One of the proof sheets of community donations to establish FK-USU
History USU 1952


Ir. R. S. Danunagoro, who was the Head of General Development of North Sumatra Province and the Board of Trustees of the USU Foundation, gave an explanation of the USU Campus Development on August 21, 1952. Governor Abdul Hakim, Mayor A.M. Djalaluddin, and Resident T.M. Daud Sjah are seated in the front row.
History USU 1952


The guests who attended the inauguration ceremony of the opening of the USU Faculty of Medicine were government officials, representatives of friendly countries, and Alim Gelar Soetan Maharadja Besar (x), representative of the USU Foundation in Jakarta.
History USU 1952


The atmosphere of the National Ceremony on August 20, 1952, at the FK hall was attended by (from right to left in the front row) Minister of PP and K, Prof. Dr. Bahder Djohan, Minister of Health dr. J. Leimeina, Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Mohd. Roem, Minister of Social Affairs Anwar Tjokroaminoto, and Minister of Agriculture Mohd. Sardjan
History USU 1952


Minister of Health dr. J. Leimeina delivered a speech at the Inauguration of the Opening of FK-USU on August 20, 1952
History USU 1952


Governor Abdul Hakim, as Chairman of the USU Foundation Board, gave remarks at the inauguration of the opening of the USU Faculty of Medicine, saying. "The Faculty of Medicine that was born today is the result of a joint effort. It is also placed on our laps together with appreciation to be maintained and saved to its destination."
History USU 1952


Remarks from the Minister of PP and K, Prof. dr. Bahder Djohan, at the inauguration of the opening of FK-USU on August 20, 1952
History USU 1952


The audience was listening to a speech by A.M. Djalaluddin, Mayor of Medan City and President of the USU Board of Curators, who said: "For we are all aware that it is the lagging quality of the University of a country that is always used as a measure of the height of intelligence of the people of a nation."
History USU 1952


dr. Ahmad Sofian, the first Dean of FK-USU, was giving a speech at the opening ceremony on August 20, 1952
History USU 1952


USU President Prof. Ahmad Sofian gave a speech before the groundbreaking ceremony for the USU campus construction began.
History USU 1952


After the Inauguration Ceremony of the Opening of the Faculty of Medicine-USU on August 20, 1952, the next day, August 21, 1952, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the USU campus was also held by the Governor of North Sumatra Abdul Hakim
History USU 1957


The atmosphere of the National Ceremony during the inauguration of USU which was attended by President Soekarno and Minister of PP and K Prijono on November 20, 1957.
History USU 1957


President Soekarno and Gubsu Abdul Hakim, signed the establishment of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, on November 20, 1957.President Soekarno and Gubsu Abdul Hakim, signed the establishment of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, on November 20, 1957.
History USU 1957


USU's Charter of Enlightenment on November 20, 1957
History USU 1959


President Ir. Soekarno signing the opening ceremony of the Faculty of Economics of the Universitas Sumatera Utara in Kutaraja (Darussalam) on September 02, 1959.
History USU 1959


The atmosphere when the national anthem was played at the opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959.
History USU 1959


Minister of PP and K Sudibjo giving a speech at the opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959.
History USU 1959


President Ir. Soekarno entering the room at the opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959.
History USU 1959


President Ir. Soekarno gives a speech at the opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959.
History USU 1959


The atmosphere at the Opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959
History USU 1959


The atmosphere at the Opening of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara on September 02, 1959
History USU 1953


The first building that functioned for lecture activities on JL. Seram. In 1953 the lecture hall of the first class of Medicine of the Universitas Sumatera Utara Foundation
History USU 1953


The first batch of students of the USU Faculty of Medicine pictured with Ir. Van der Waal after the lecture, March 1953.
History USU 1953


The Medical Student Center building that used to function as the Medan Vrijmetselarij Association, 1953.
History USU 1953


On August 12, 1953, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. H. Moh Hatta and his entourage visited FK-USU. The Vice President was seen looking around the chemistry laboratory together with Mr. Ani Abas Manopo, dr. A. Sofian, dr. M. Ildrem, Drs. Lie Hong Tjiang and dr. Maas.
History USU 1955


The inscription stone embedded in the FK USU building on Seram Street commemorates the handover of FK-USU and FH-USU to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
History USU 1957


Bung Karno with the USU Student Council and other invitees after the inauguration of USU as a State University, on November 20, 1957
History USU 1958


USU professors pose for a group photo after celebrating USU's VI Anniversary, on August 20, 1958.
History USU 1961


USU President, Prof. A. Sofian delivering his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the first six graduating doctors of FK-USU on February 25, 1961.
History USU 1961


The guests who attended the inauguration of the first doctor of FK-USU, among the audience were seen: - Prof. A. Sofian - Lieutenant Colonel R. Syahnan (representing Gubsu) - Sutan Komala Pontas (former Gubsu) - USU professors and lecturers, as well as dignitaries and other guests. on February 25, 1961
History USU 1961


The atmosphere during the reading of the doctor's oath for the first graduates of FK-USU on February 25, 1961 by Prof. H.R Soeroso at the Anatomy room, FK-USU Complex, Jl. Dr. T. Mansoer
History USU 1961


The first six graduating doctors are pictured with the Professors of FK-USU, after the swearing-in ceremony on February 25, 1961.
History USU 1974


For the first time on March 9, 1974, new doctors graduated from FK-USU were inaugurated by wearing a toga.
History USU 1974


Governor of North Sumatra KDH Tk I, Marah Halim, together with deans of USU faculties when inaugurating the main building B for the departments of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Physiology at the FK-USU Complex, Jl. dr. T. Mansoer Medan, November 1974.
History USU 1974


Governor of North Sumatra Province KHD, Marah Halim, Rector of USU Harry Soewondo SH and leaders of FK-USU shortly before the inauguration of Unit D Building of FK-USU, University Street, USU Campus, November 1974.
History USU 1965


USU Rector. Col. CPM dr. S. Harnopijati (now Brig. Gen.) signed the manuscript of the handover of FK-USU Leadership from the Dean of the 1965-1967 Period, dr. Kadri, to the Dean of the 1967-1969 Period, dr. Mohd. Yusuf Hanafiah
History USU 1970


The President of the Republic of Indonesia and Mrs. Tien Soeharto and their entourage entered the FK-USU yard, Jalan Dr. T. Masoer No.5 Medan to inaugurate the main building of FK-USU on December 29, 1970.
History USU 1970


Prof. Mahadi, SH and Mrs. Mahadi welcomed the arrival of President Soeharto at Polonia Airport in order to inaugurate the main building of FK USU in 1970
History USU 1965


Drg. Nazir Alwi USU Rector (Period 1965-1966) and Mrs. Dr. Muhammad Nazir Alwi is an Indonesian dentist. He is one of the few Indonesian academics who became rector of two state universities. Nazir successively served as Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (1965-1966) and then Universitas Gadjah Mada (1966-1967).
History USU 1955


Rector Jusuf Hanafiah (1968-1994) with Dr. Helena as a student taking a photo together in the USU Faculty of Medicine library 1955
History USU 1970


Rector Chairuddin P. Lubis (1994-2010) as a student with his friend opening gifts. Chairuddin P. Lubis as a student at the Faculty of Medicine USU 1970, was good at playing soccer as well as playing table tennis, unbeatable in playing chess, and well-known as a national level bridge player.
History USU 1969


The Professor Advisor was immortalized with the Governor of Sumatra (Radja Djundjungan Lubis), USU Rector (dr. Sofian), Prof. Ani Abbas Manoppo, Prof. Madadi, dr. Soeroso (Father of USU Assistant Rector II dr. Luhur Soeroso) at the 10th USU Anniversary in 1969

USU’s Vision

To become a university that has academic excellence as a barometer of scientific progress that is able to compete in the global world.


To conduct autonomy-based higher education that serves as a platform for the character and professionalism development of human resources, which is based on empowerment containing the spirit of democratization of education that acknowledges pluralism with an educational orientation that emphasizes the aspect of searching for alternative solutions to actual problems based on scientific, moral, and conscience studies;

To produce graduates who become agents of change as a force of modernization in the life of society at large, who have strong academic competence, relevance, and competitiveness, as well as who behave with ethical intellectualism; and

To implement, develop, and improve education, research culture, and community service activities in order to improve academic quality by developing superior science, which benefits the wider society in improving their way of life.


To produce quality graduates who are capable of developing science, technology, humanities, and arts based on religious morals, as well as be able to compete at national and international levels;

To produce innovative research that promotes the development of science, technology, humanities, and arts on a national and international scope;

To produce community service based on reasoning and research works that are innovatively beneficial in advancing the general welfare and intellectual life of the nation and community empowerment so that the society is able to solve problems independently and sustainably;

To improve the quality of learning management continuously to achieve excellence in national and international competition and cooperation;

To realize adaptive, creative, and proactive independence towards the demands of society and the challenges of development, both nationally and internationally;

To become a moral and intellectual force in building Indonesian civil society; and

To develop students’ potential to become faithful and devoted to God Almighty, possess noble morals, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skillful, competent, and cultured for the nation’s benefit.

More about Duties and Functions

Official written information and guidelines can be accessed on the following page.

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In an effort to realize the vision, mission and goals, the Universitas Sumatera Utara implements the main values of BINTANG as a guide for all academicians.

Devoted to Almighty God

In the frame of diversity, USU individuals are obedient to the Almighty God, always praying to Him for all efforts to achieve success, accompanied by a spirit of togetherness and tolerance among people of different religions.

Innovative and Has Integrity

USU individuals realize that to become a prestigious and reputable university as well as gain international recognition, innovation in various fields while still adhering to the principles of academic ethics and professionalism is necessary.

Resilient and Wise

USU individuals never give up and do not easily despair in pursuing their goals while maintaining a wise attitude.

USU’s Identity

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) has an identity including status, position, anniversary, emblem, flag, hymn, march, and academic dress which are regulated in Government Regulation No. 16 of 2014 concerning USU Statutes.

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Integrated Service Unit

The Legal Documentation and Information Network of Universitas Sumatera Utara is an information system established by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Sumatera Utara to collect, store, and provide access to information and legal documents related to academic and research activities at the faculty.

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Kantor Pelayanan PPID

The Information Documentation and Management Officer (PPID) is the official responsible for storing, documenting, providing, and/or serving information at a public body.

Visit USU's Information Documentation and Management Officer
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Legal Documentation and Information Network

The Legal Documentation and Information Network of Universitas Sumatera Utara is an information system established by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Sumatera Utara to collect, store, and provide access to information and legal documents related to academic and research activities at the faculty.

Visit USU Legal Information and Documentation Network

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