



552 USU Students Ready to Join MSIB Batch 5 Program

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Bambang Riyanto

552 USU Students Ready to Join MSIB Batch 5 Program

"So, use this MSIB opportunity to find new experiences about learning to work. Familiarize our discipline to follow existing rules. Shed all the creativity that is in you for progress or provide solutions to problems, "said Prof. Mury. ""

USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) immediately held the Release of Certified Independent Study and Internship Students (MSIB) Batch 5. This release was held at the Student Center on Wednesday (16/08/2023).

Around 552 USU students attended the Batch 5 Internship and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) program. About 273 students participated in the internship program, and 279 others participated in the independent study program. These students come from various faculties. Later, they will be placed in multiple government agencies and large and medium-scale industries in Indonesia.

USU Rector, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., advised the participants who participated in MSIB to use this opportunity as experience and contribute to the company.

"So use this MSIB opportunity to find new experiences about learning to work. Familiarize our discipline to follow the existing rules. Shed all the creativity that is in you for progress or provide solutions to problems, "said Prof. Mury.

The USU Rector added that students who participate in this program will carry and must maintain the good name of the campus.


"So as ambassadors, the responsibility is to carry a good name, maintain the good name of Universitas Sumatera Utara, because you are sent not with a personal name, but representing Universitas Sumatera Utara," he added.

On the same occasion, Vice Rector 1 of USU, Dr. Edy Ikhsan, SH, MA. (Vice Rector I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Affairs said that in independent studies and internships, the participating students will create a project in the company where they carry out the activity.

"In the independent study, they will do a project in the company, which will then get an intense tutorial for one semester; it is by professional experts of the companies where they will carry out independent studies. For internships, they will be in a cycle to understand the work of the institutions where they carry out internships and to add to their skills later when they graduate as alumni," said Dr. Edy.

As Director of the Directorate of Educational Development, Dr. Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, S.T., MMIT, said that MSIB participants must maintain their attitude and behavior during the program.

"When carrying out internship activities with partners, the first thing is that all of you must maintain the ethics of communicating and interacting at the internship site," explained Dr. Anggia.

In addition, it is hoped that MSIB participants will significantly improve students' soft and hard skills after they complete this program. It is also expected to have an effect later when they work.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas

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