



Field Assessment for Accreditation of Master’s Program in Notary at USU Faculty of Law

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Renny Julia Harahap

Field Assessment for Accreditation of Master’s Program in Notary at USU Faculty of Law

"“With 394 students and 2,965 alumni, this program is one of the most popular. With 13 professors, 54 permanent lecturers with doctoral qualifications, seven lecturers, and four head lecturers, I am confident that the Master’s Program in Notary will fulfill its important roles and missions,” said USU Vice Rector IV."


USU PR—The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) conducted a field assessment of the Master’s Program in Notary at the Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). The assessment took place in the DPF Room of FH USU on Friday, July 19, 2024.


The BAN-PT assessor team included Dr. Yeni Salma Barlinti, S.H., S.Hum., M.H., and Dr. Shinta Hadiyantina, S.H., M.H.


Vice Rector IV of USU, Prof. Dr. Drs. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc., expressed hope that this assessment would improve the program's accreditation from its current B rating and strengthen public confidence. He believes that the program can achieve its vision and mission with highly qualified teaching staff and a significant number of students and alumni.


“With 394 students and 2,965 alumni, this program is one of the most popular. With 13 professors, 54 permanent lecturers with doctoral qualifications, seven lecturers, and four head lecturers, I am confident that the Master’s Program in Notary will fulfill its important roles and missions,” said Prof. Opim Salim Sitompul.


Dean of FH USU, Dr. Mahmul Siregar, S.H., M.Hum., explained that preparations for the accreditation included forming a team to compile and verify performance reports and conduct internal assessment simulations. He hopes that the program, previously rated B, can achieve Superior accreditation.


“We have diligently prepared for this assessment by forming a team to compile performance reports, LKPS, and LED. We have conducted internal verification and simulations, and today, we are undergoing external verification. While our current rating is B, we aspire to achieve Superior accreditation and eagerly await the results from BAN-PT,” said Dr. Mahmul Siregar.


Head of the USU FH Master’s Program in Notary, Prof. Dr. Hasim Purba, S.H., M.Hum., revealed that the assessment aims to improve the program’s accreditation. He noted that all stakeholders, including alumni, were involved as resource persons to provide insights to the assessors. Prof. Purba also mentioned that the alumni association actively participates in and supports the program.


“We strive for greater advancement, enabling our alumni to excel in their careers and contribute meaningfully to society. All stakeholders, including alumni, are actively involved in providing valuable insights to the assessors. Our alumni association plays a crucial role in offering input and contributing resources to enhance our program,” said Prof. Hasim Purba.

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