



MKWK Fair FY 2022/2023 USU: PBL-Based Learning

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Bambang Riyanto

MKWK Fair FY 2022/2023 USU: PBL-Based Learning

"Because this MKWK must be implemented in the form of activities, it is called PBL. Not only theory but producing useful work, "explained Prof. Timbangen."

USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) again held the Mandatory Curriculum Course (MKWK) Fair FY 2022/2023 which is the result of project-based Learning and Case method-based learning model activities. The activity was held at the USU Student Center, on Thursday (24/08/2023).

This second PBL-based MKWK is entitled 'Making USU Students with BINTANG Character Supporting Communities Working Together to Care for Diversity as the Basis for Advanced, Safe, and Dignified North Sumatra'.

The Chairperson of the MKWK Fair USU FY 2022/2023 Committee, Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring, M.Sc in his speech said that through this program, students can articulate problems intelligently through work. Also, carry out these activities with a spirit based on friendship and to be contemplated together.

"Because this MKWK must be implemented in the form of activities that are called PBL. Not only theory but producing useful work," explained Prof. Timbangen.

Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring, M.Sc. also provided a comparison between MKWK Fair 2022 and MKWK Fair 2023. A striking comparison can be seen in the implementation. At the MKWK Fair 2022, students produced various creative works in the form of videos. However, in the MKWK Fair 2023, not as many videos were produced as before.

"During the first MKWK Fair, online lectures were held, so more activities were produced by students. While in 2023, their video results are not so many," said Prof. Timbangen.

Therefore, Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring, M.Sc hopes that students are trained to be actively involved in formulating, implementing, and reflecting on essential materials such as Pancasila, Religion, Indonesian Language, and Citizenship. Innovative learning strategies are needed to create an interactive experience that captivates students' attention.

"The hope is, of course, that similar activities like this involve students to be actively involved in the material. And strategies must be changed on how to make learning interactive and interesting," hoped Prof. Timbangen.

In this event, the students presented several creative and useful idea exploration results. The performances of the students managed to attract attention thanks to the high quality of internalization. With a variety of innovative projects presented through dance, music, poetry, stand-up comedy, and others.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas

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