



SBPU Talent 2024 Admission Selection

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Renny Julia Harahap

SBPU Talent 2024 Admission Selection

""With the certification criteria that have been submitted, we will select whether they deserve to be accepted according to the chosen major. We also provide alternatives if there are other majors of interest, given the tight competition," he said."

USU PR—Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) carried out the selection process for new student admissions for the USU Talent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU) for 2024 for two days on Wednesday and Thursday (07/03-04/2024) at the Student Center.

Referring to the rector's regulation, it has been determined that various categories of champions are recognized in the admission of new students for the SBPU Talenta pathway, namely the top 3 international and national champions, the top 2 provincial champions and the 1st winner at the district/city level. The process of organizing the competition must also be validated.

With these certification criteria, the University Secretary, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar, M.Ked(OG), Sp.OG(K) expressed his hope that this selection process can attract talented students in academics and other fields.

"With the certification criteria that have been submitted, we will select whether they deserve to be accepted according to the chosen major. We also provide alternatives if there are other majors of interest, given the tight competition," he said.

Rahma Yurliani, S.Psi., M.Psi., Director of the USU Directorate of Student Achievement and Alumni Relations, said that 173 participants registered, and around 107 people proceeded to the interview and competency test stages. On the first day, 57 people took part in the selection, with details of 48 people in the sports field and nine people in the arts field. The next day, there were 12 people in science, 22 in religion, and 12 in other fields.

"About 173 people registered, if I am not mistaken. Then, around 107 of them passed the file selection and entered the interview and competency test stage," said Rahma.

Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Drs. Mauly Purba, M.A., Ph.D., added that students who are accepted based on achievement are expected to contribute more to USU through academic and non-academic achievements.

"If we feel he is competent in his achievements, we hope he will also bring the good name of USU. In addition to academic studies, non-academic achievements must also be continued to benefit USU," he explained.

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