



USU Faculty of Medicine Celebrates New Anesthesiology Specialists

Published At14 August 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Faculty of Medicine Celebrates New Anesthesiology Specialists
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“This specialization is essential across Indonesia because no surgical procedure occurs without an anesthesiologist. Thus, the number of specialists should match the number of hospitals across the country,” Prof. Fidel said.


USU PR—The Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a ceremony to inaugurate and present competency certificates to 10 newly graduated Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Specialists. The event occurred on Saturday (Aug. 10, 2024) at the Grand Ballroom, 3rd Floor, Hotel Adimulia, Medan.


The ceremony also introduced the new residents to the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy program. Out of 41 applicants, only 16 were admitted, highlighting the high competition for this study program.


The inauguration featured the ceremonial presentation of medals by the Program Head, Dr. Andriamuri Primaputra Lubis, M.Ked (An), Sp.An-TI, Subsp.TI(K), and plaques were awarded by the Program Secretary, Dr. Rr Sinta Irina, SpAn-TI, Subsp.NA(K).


USU Secretary Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar, M.Ked(OG), Sp.O.G, Subsp.F.E.R., emphasized the crucial role of anesthesiology and intensive therapy specialists in Indonesia's healthcare system. He noted that USU is committed to ensuring its graduates receive high-quality and competent education.


“This specialization is essential across Indonesia because no surgical procedure occurs without an anesthesiologist. Thus, the number of specialists should match the number of hospitals across the country,” Prof. Fidel said.


In his remarks, FK USU Dean Prof. Dr. Aldy Safruddin Rambe, Sp.S(K), underscored the importance of upholding the university’s reputation and using the knowledge gained to make meaningful contributions to the medical field, both in Sumatra and throughout Indonesia.


“Having ten graduates pass simultaneously is a remarkable achievement. We hope they will provide the best healthcare services wherever they serve,” Prof. Aldy said.


Dr. Andriamuri Primaputra Lubis, M.Ked (An), Sp.An-TI, Subsp.TI(K), expressed pride in the graduates' achievements, particularly noting that all passed the comprehensive oral exams at Universitas Diponegoro and Universitas Indonesia on their first attempt. One graduate even ranked among the top five nationally. This achievement reflects FK USU’s capability to compete on a national level.


“With our superior accreditation, we hope this will motivate the next cohort to maintain this level of excellence,” Dr. Andriamuri said.


Dr. Adlin Adnan, Chairman of the Medical Committee at RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan, emphasized the importance of humility and carefulness in the field of anesthesiology, which requires special attention to patient safety.


In alignment, Yetti Syahriany, SKM, M.Kes, Head of Health Resources at the North Sumatra Health Department, stressed the need for experts in anesthesiology across all hospitals in North Sumatra to improve healthcare quality in areas lacking anesthesiologists.


“We hope the graduates will contribute to enhancing healthcare services in regions still in need of anesthesiologists,” Yetti said.


Representing the graduates, Dr. Dicko Kanugrahan Pratama, M.Ked(An), Sp.An-TI, expressed gratitude for the support received throughout their education and encouraged fellow graduates and residents to stay motivated and maintain their achievements.


“We have proven that we can compete nationally. May this spirit continue throughout our careers,” Dr. Dicko concluded.

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