



Accelerating Urban Development in Indonesia through Online Government Services

DetailsThursday, 12 September 2024
DetailsDavid Kevin Handel Hutabarat

"Digital transformation through online services has a significant impact on accelerating urban development in Indonesia. This research analyzes the readiness of citizens and government officials to adopt online services to improve efficiency and quality of life in big cities."

In this increasingly advanced digital era, people have become accustomed to various services accessible online. From shopping for daily necessities to managing administrative tasks, everything can be comfortably done from home. But what if government services, which were once complex and time-consuming, could also be accessed easily via the internet? This digital transformation, including government digitization, is now being felt, especially in large cities.

The Indonesian government has long recognized that slow and inefficient bureaucracy is a major obstacle to development, whether at the national, regional, or local level. With the Nawacita concept, the government is committed to bringing development to a more local level, including urban areas. To facilitate this concept, reform in the way the government serves the public is required. This is where the important role of online (digital) services begins to emerge.

Bureaucracy is often defined as a series of public services provided by the government. In practice, bureaucracy is often seen as something complicated, convoluted, and time-consuming. To expedite development, especially in rapidly growing urban areas, the Indonesian government has begun adopting online service models as a solution to various bureaucratic issues.

Research conducted by Manda Yulian, Sirojuzilam, Suwardi Lubis, and Agus Purwoko from Universitas Sumatera Utara shows that the implementation of online government services has a significant impact on accelerating urban development. The primary focus of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the readiness of both the public and government officials in adopting this online service model. “Through the readiness of both parties, it is hoped that online-based social-economic development programs can run smoothly, ultimately driving development in urban areas,” said Manda Yulian.

The research was conducted in Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra, using a quantitative approach involving 253 respondents out of a total population of 2,769 government officials. Surveys and secondary data collection from various sources reveal that the readiness of both the public and government officials is a key factor in the successful implementation of online services. Readiness includes understanding of technology, proficiency with digital devices, and moral and material support for service users.

“Public readiness is measured through several indicators, such as understanding of technology, proficiency with digital devices, and moral and material support. On the other hand, government officials’ readiness involves similar aspects but focuses more on their ability to effectively implement online services,” said Prof. Sirojuzilam in the study.

The study found that formal and informal training, as well as material and non-material incentives, significantly aid in improving readiness among both the public and government officials. Through this model, online services for urban social-economic development programs function as an important variable that mediates the relationship between public and government officials' readiness and the acceleration of urban development. This means that the more ready the public and government officials are in using online services, the faster the development process in Indonesia's large cities.

“To analyze the complex relationships between these variables, the study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), which allows researchers to see how independent variables (public and government officials’ readiness) affect dependent variables (urban development) through mediating variables (online services for social-economic development programs),” said Prof. Sirojuzilam.

The SEM analysis results show that public and government officials’ readiness has a significant impact on online services for social-economic development programs. These online services have a major effect on accelerating urban development, measured through sub-variables such as increased household income, job availability, education, and health.

Prof. Sirojuzilam emphasizes that integrating online services into government operations is a crucial step for city governments. In the context of accelerating urban development, these online services not only make it easier for the public to access various public services but also play an important role in improving their overall quality of life. There are certainly challenges in achieving success in implementing these online services. One of the challenges is the need for greater efforts to overcome internal and external barriers within the government.

On the other hand, the biggest challenge is changing the deeply rooted traditional mindset within our bureaucratic culture. Government officials also need to be encouraged to be more open to innovation and change, and continuously improve their skills in using digital technology. “Formal and informal education must also be strengthened to ensure that the public has adequate understanding of how to use these online services,” said Prof. Sirojuzilam.

In the future, online government services will not only serve as a tool for accelerating urban development but also as a means to create more inclusive and sustainable cities. With digital technology, the government should be able to reach previously hard-to-reach populations more easily and provide more efficient and transparent services. Ultimately, this will contribute to creating more livable cities with higher levels of well-being for all their residents.

This research concludes that digital transformation through online government services is key to accelerating urban development in Indonesia. By improving the readiness of the public and government officials and addressing various existing barriers, we can create more advanced and competitive cities. Urban development is no longer just a dream but a reality within our grasp, achievable through innovation and collaboration.

SDGs 11
Research Article

Detail Paper

JournalInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
TitleAccelerating Urban Development in Indonesia: The Impact of Online Government Services
AuthorsManda Yulian (1), Sirojuzilam (2), Suwardi Lubis (3), Agus Purwoko (1,4)
Author Affiliations
  1. (1) Regional Planning Doctoral Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
  2. (2) Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
  3. (3) Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
  4. (4) Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Deli Serdang 20353, Indonesia

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