



31 USU Medical Doctors Sworn In, USU Hosts National Digestive Surgery Conference

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Renny Julia Harahap

31 USU Medical Doctors Sworn In, USU Hosts National Digestive Surgery Conference

""As the host, the committee has strived to ensure the smooth running of this event. I hope this meeting inspires new ideas and innovations in the field of digestive surgery," said Prof. Poppy."


USU PR—Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) hosted the XXVI National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Digestive Surgery Association (PIN IKABDI) and the inauguration of digestive surgery specialists on Friday, July 19, 2024, at the Santika Dyandra Convention Hotel Medan.


In her remarks, USU Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., praised the hard work of the organizing committee and team in preparing for the event. She expressed hope that the meeting would enhance scientific and professional competencies and expand professional networks among digestive surgeons through the sharing of information, ideas, and experiences from speakers and participants.


"As the host, the committee has strived to ensure the smooth running of this event. I hope this meeting inspires new ideas and innovations in the field of digestive surgery," said Prof. Poppy.


Vice Rector III congratulated the 31 new digestive surgery specialists from USU's Faculty of Medicine. She urged them to continue innovating and advancing their knowledge and skills to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future in health sciences.


"I am delighted to be here to witness the tangible results of the new digestive surgery specialists' hard work, dedication, and commitment," Prof. Poppy stated.


In alignment with this, Dr. Rehulina Ginting, M.Kes, representing the Acting Governor of North Sumatra, highlighted the importance of improving domestic healthcare quality to encourage Indonesians to seek treatment within the country. One of the efforts is to enhance medical professionalism, as demonstrated in this national scientific meeting.


"Digestive surgery services are indeed an integral part of the healthcare services needed by the people of North Sumatra in particular, and Indonesia in general," said Dr. Rehulina.


Dr. dr. Warsinggih, MD, Chairman of IKABDI, emphasized the event's significance as part of IKABDI's activities. He encouraged all participants to remain enthusiastic and actively participate in IKABDI's activities to support their professionalism and competency development.


"It is important to note that professional organizations are dynamic and evolve over time. Therefore, I urge those who want to join professional organizations to stay motivated and actively participate," Dr. Warsinggih encouraged.


Dr. dr. Adi Muradi Muhar, Sp.B-KBD, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, mentioned that this moment is special as it marks the start of PIN IKABDI activities with a symposium on Digestive Surgical Oncology. He highlighted the importance of this theme in advancing knowledge and skills in oncology.


"My sincere thanks to all parties involved in this event. I hope through this event we can apply innovations in healthcare services," Dr. Adi concluded.

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