



Spesialist-1 Program

Specialist Program in Dental Conservation

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The Specialist Program in Dental Conservation at the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is a study program that focuses on diseases or disorders of dental hard tissues, pulp tissues, and periradicular tissues. The main objective of this program is to train graduates with particular competencies and skills in maintaining and preserving teeth, both in terms of function and aesthetics. In addition, dental conservation specialists also have careers in dental aesthetics, where they can provide bleaching services to improve the appearance of teeth.

The vision of this study program is "In 2028, to become a study program that produces graduates who have academic and professional excellence in the field of regeneration of dental hard tissues, pulp, and periraduclar, and restoration technology by utilizing local natural resources, and able to compete in facing the challenges of globalization." Graduates of the USU Specialist Program in Dental Conservation can compete in facing the challenges of globalization. Students who have completed this study program will be Dental Conservation Specialists (Sp.KG.).

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Specialist Program in Dental Conservation

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Specialist Program in Dental Conservation

Accredited Excellent

No. 0682/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Spe/IX/2023

Vision of Specialist Program in Dental Conservation

In 2028, it will become a study program that produces graduates who are excellent academic professionals in tooth, pulp, and periradicular complex tissue regeneration and restoration technology, utilizing local natural resources and competing in the globalized world. In the face of globalization.

Mission of Specialist Program in Dental Conservation



Carrying out education that is oriented towards the development of science and technology. The technology of Tooth, Pulp, and Periradicular Hard Tissue Regeneration and Restoration Technology by national standards and with an international perspective. Following national standards and global insight that is competent and has intellectual ability, ethical, Virtue, and BINTANG character.



Developing research and research interests within the scope of Dental Conservation science, oriented towards natural resources, technology, and art based on scientific evidence and local wisdom, and producing innovative scientific work in the field of Dental Conservation science with national and international standards. And international standards.

Community Service

Community Service

a. Expanding the role of the Study Program in meeting the needs of society and industry in the field of Dental Conservation to improve the quality of life and dental and oral health through Community Service activities. b. Fostering cooperation and partnerships with other Higher Education Institutions and the world industry in the national and international scope to improve scientific abilities, technology, and clinical skills of students and teaching staff as academic people.



Concentration is a field of specialization that can be chosen by students to deepen specific knowledge and skills in the study program they take. By choosing a concentration that suits their interests and talents, students can develop more in-depth competencies that are relevant to the needs of the job market. Concentration also helps students to explore specific fields that are of interest and passion to them, thus expanding their horizons and enriching their learning experience.

Biomolecular Cardiology Treatment

Biomolecular Cardiology Treatment



Aesthetic Restoration in Digital Dentistry

Aesthetic Restoration in Digital Dentistry

Regenerative Endodontic Treatment

Regenerative Endodontic Treatment

Micro-Endodontic Surgery

Micro-Endodontic Surgery

Annual Social Project

Annual Social Project

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Specialist Program in Dental Conservation

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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