



Spesialist-1 Program

Anatomical Pathology

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The Specialist Program in Anatomical Pathology of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is a study program that focuses on the study and understanding of diseases based on structural and cellular changes in human body tissues. Students of this program will learn various laboratory techniques to diagnose diseases through microscopic examination and understand the basic principles in interpreting pathology results.

With a comprehensive curriculum and supported by experienced lecturers in the field, this study program aims to produce graduates who are skilled and qualified in diagnosing diseases, providing important information for the treatment process, and contributing to scientific research in the field of anatomical pathology. Upon completing this program, students will be awarded the Anatomical Pathology Specialist (Sp.P.A.) degree.

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Specialist-1 Program in Anatomical Pathology

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Specialist-1 Program in Anatomical Pathology

Accredited Very Good

No. 0578/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Spe/VIII/2023



Concentration is a field of specialization that can be chosen by students to deepen specific knowledge and skills in the study program they take. By choosing a concentration that suits their interests and talents, students can develop more in-depth competencies that are relevant to the needs of the job market. Concentration also helps students to explore specific fields that are of interest and passion to them, thus expanding their horizons and enriching their learning experience.

Hepatobiliary Digestive Anatomical Pathology

Hepatobiliary Digestive Anatomical Pathology

Breast Obstetric and Gynecologic Anatomical Pathology

Breast Obstetric and Gynecologic Anatomical Pathology

Musculoskeletal Anatomical Pathology

Musculoskeletal Anatomical Pathology

Male Reproductive Uropathology Anatomical Pathology

Male Reproductive Uropathology Anatomical Pathology

Cardiovascular Respiratory and Mediastinal Anatomical Pathology

Cardiovascular Respiratory and Mediastinal Anatomical Pathology

Hemato-lymphoid Endocrine Anatomical Pathology

Hemato-lymphoid Endocrine Anatomical Pathology

Skin and Adnexa Anatomical Pathology

Skin and Adnexa Anatomical Pathology

Nerves and Eyes Anatomical Pathology

Nerves and Eyes Anatomical Pathology

Cytopathology Anatomical Pathology

Cytopathology Anatomical Pathology

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Specialist-1 Program in Anatomical Pathology

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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