This program is one of the medical specialization study programs that focuses on various diseases or health problems in the internal organs of adults, including its diagnosis and treatment. This study program is a continuation of the Specialist-1 Program in Internal Medicine of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).
As this program is a newly established study program, it has not received accreditation.
Visit Study Program PageNeed more information? visit the faculty website, or contact us via e-mail. Program in Internal Medicine
Accredited -
No. 0001/LAM-PTKes/AkrPSB.PTN-BH/SubSpe/I/2023
Concentration is a field of specialization that can be chosen by students to deepen specific knowledge and skills in the study program they take. By choosing a concentration that suits their interests and talents, students can develop more in-depth competencies that are relevant to the needs of the job market. Concentration also helps students to explore specific fields that are of interest and passion to them, thus expanding their horizons and enriching their learning experience.
Nephrology and Hypertension
Metabolic Endocrinology and Diabetes
Tropical Diseases and Infections