



Faculty of Engineering USU Successfully Holds Academic Senate Election

Published At16 October 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
Faculty of Engineering USU Successfully Holds Academic Senate Election
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“We have made careful preparations since early September, from socialization to the implementation of the election. Lecturer participation is very high, and we hope that the three elected Academic Senate members can bring the aspirations of the Faculty of Engineering to a higher level,” said Ir. Nismah.

USU PR - The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara (FT USU) has successfully carried out the election of the Non-Graduate Academic Senate on Thursday. The activity which took place in the FT USU Hall was attended by 133 lecturers and 6 candidates who were competent in their respective fields.

The six candidates who competed in this election were Ir. Ikhsan Siregar, ST., M.Eng. from the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Ir. M. Agung Putra Handana, ST., MT. from the Civil Engineering Study Program, Ir. Tigor Hamonangan Nasution, ST., MT. IPM. from Electrical Engineering, Mohammad Dolok Lubis ST, M.Sc. from Architecture, Dr.Eng. Ir. Taufiq Bin Nur S.T., M.Eng.Sc. from Mechanical Engineering, and Zaid Perdana Nasution ST. MT. Ph.D. from Environmental Engineering Study Program. The election process was also attended by USU Vice Rector II, Dr. Muhammad Arifin Nasution, S.Sos., M.SP.

Nismah Panjaitan, ST, MT, PhD, IPU, as the Head of the Committee as well as Vice Dean III FT USU, explained that the election preparation had been carried out since early September, including socialization, file verification, and election implementation. From the voting results that have participated, the top three were elected, namely Ir. Tigor Hamonangan Nasution, ST, MT. IPM. in the first place, followed by Ir. Ikhsan Siregar, ST., M.Eng. and Zaid Perdana Nasution ST. MT. Ph.D. These three lecturers are expected to be able to bring the aspirations of FT USU to the Academic Senate level.

“We have made careful preparations since early September, from socialization to the implementation of the election. The participation of lecturers is very high, and we hope that the three elected members of the Academic Senate can bring the aspirations of the Faculty of Engineering to a higher level,” said Ir. Nismah.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FT USU, Prof. Dr. Ir. Fahmi, S.T., M.Sc., IPM, said that his party had made every effort to maintain transparency in this selection process. Socialization has been carried out through various media, and the enthusiasm of lecturers is very high. He hopes that the newly elected Academic Senate can make strategic policies that have a positive impact on the progress of FT USU.

“We are committed to maintaining transparency in every process. The three elected members of the Academic Senate are expected to actively contribute to policy making and the development of the Faculty of Engineering in the future,” Fahmi said.


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