Field Assesment of USU Informatics Engineering Diploma Study
"Since Mr Joe Lian Min and Mr. Abdul Rozaq have visited, I think there will be sharing of information and sharing of experiences in this field assessment from other places," the Rector of USU said.
USU Public Relations - Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute conducted a field assessment of the Informatics Engineering Diploma III Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) activity which was attended by the INFOKOM LAM Assessor team Joe Lian Min, M.Eng and Abdul Rozaq, S.Kom., MM., M.Kom took place in the USU FMIPA Function Room on Thursday, (11/17/2022).
In his remarks, the Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Sc explained that USU had made many arrangements towards transformation, one of which was the Diploma-III Study Program which still holds B accreditation and through sharing information and sharing experience from the assessor team can encourage the Diploma-III Study Program III achieve better accreditation.
"Since Mr Joe Lian Min and Mr. Abdul Rozaq have visited, I think there will be sharing of information and sharing of experiences in this field assessment from other places," the Rector of USU said.
The USU Rector added, one way to support the process of faculty advancement, not only by guaranteeing the provision of infrastructure, but USU will also continue to support the skills learning process by involving practicing lecturers.
"So that the objectives of organizing the diploma study program are in accordance with the character to be achieved, for example in the skills section then invite a lot of practitioners. Now we want to fix it, especially to guarantee infrastructure on campus," the USU Rector said.
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Nursahara Pasaribu. M.Sc acknowledged that the Faculty of Vocational Studies had made many achievements, such as presenting practicing lecturers at public lectures and collaborating with various agencies.
The achievements that have been achieved are expected to be well documented and to obtain satisfactory results after being reviewed by the Assessor team.
"They have done a lot of achievements. The hope is that everything can be properly documented in documents which of course have been reviewed by the assessors. In fact, they have done a lot of things, be it improvements in the study programs themselves which concern the academic field, revising the curriculum and how they brought in holding public lectures by inviting practitioners, collaborating with various related agencies," the Dean of USU FMIPA conveyed.
Dean of the Vocational Faculty Prof. Dr. Isfenti Sadalia SE., ME hopes that in accordance with the output of the vocational faculty which implements 70% practice and 30% theory, the graduates of the vocational faculty are expected to be ready and able to enter the world of work.
"Now this is indeed a heavy responsibility for vocational, this is what distinguishes it from academics, namely being ready to use and ready to work in the field. This is what we really have to try to concoct again what the context is like, even though from a tracer study it is true that on average it can work right away, but we want the waiting period to be short," he said. (©ULC)
Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas