LINK-UP USU OBE Curriculum Development Workshop
LINK-UP USU OBE Curriculum Development Workshop
Published by
Bambang Riyanto
Published at
Wednesday, 01 March 2023
"OBE curriculum review activities for four study programs from the faculties of forestry and agriculture that we will submit for ASIIN international accreditation. As a result, this is part of our efforts to begin internationalizing 15 study programs this year and 15 study programs next year. One of the methods for international activity is curriculum evaluation, "described the Vice Rector I.
USU PR: The Curriculum and Learning Innovation Institute (LINK-UP) of the Universitas Sumatera Utara hosted a workshop to prepare/review the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum for ASIIN International Accreditation (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, und Mathematik) and IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education). On Thursday (16/2/2023), the workshop's opening ceremony took place in the Academic Senate Room of the USU Academic Bureau.
The curriculum preparation/review was held to enhance the primary performance indicators (IKU) 8, speed the University toward World Class University (WCU), and as a form of preparation for international accreditation of USU academic programs.
Dr. Edy Ikhsan, SH, MA, Vice Rector I for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Affairs at the Universitas Sumatera Utara, stated that the OBE curriculum review activities are still aimed at four study programs towards ASIIN international accreditation, namely from the faculties of forestry and agriculture. USU will internationalize 15 study programs this year and 15 more the next year.
"OBE curriculum review activities for four study programs from the faculties of forestry and agriculture that we will submit for ASIIN international accreditation. As a result, this is part of our efforts to begin internationalizing 15 study programs this year and 15 study programs next year. One of the steps for international activities is curriculum review, "USU Vice Rector I described
Responding to technological advancements and digitalization that require curriculum adjustments encouraged Vice Rector I to emphasize the value of collaboration among faculties, universities, study programs, lecturers, and the USU Curriculum and Learning Innovation Institute.
There is an effort to respond to technical changes, the development of digitalization, and the demands of the industrial world; the curriculum must be different from what it was in the past. As a result, we require collaboration across institutions, faculties, study programs, instructors, and the USU Curriculum and Learning Innovation Institute," the Vice Rector I stated
Prof. Dr. Dwi Suryanto, M.Sc, Head of the Institute for Curriculum and Learning Innovation at Universitas Sumatera Utara, has also prepared to embrace OBE-based curriculum updates. LINK-UP USU will continue to support and guide in curriculum development and revision.
"There will be actual direction from ourselves, from the innovation institution, curriculum, and learning after this," said the Chairman of LINK-UP USU.
Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas