



Optimizing Transformation USU Rector Inaugurates 5 Professor

Published At21 November 2023
Published ByBambang Riyanto
Optimizing Transformation USU Rector Inaugurates 5 Professor
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Optimizing Transformation USU Rector Inaugurates 5 Professor


Published by

Bambang Riyanto

Published at

Tuesday, 21 November 2023


Our priority programs are adaptive institutions and governance, adaptation of tridarma tasks, infrastructure arrangement, campus digitalization, campus enterprise, and cooperation in international rankings," explained Prof. Muryanto.

USU PR - Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Prof. Dr. Ir. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., again inaugurated five USU Permanent Professors at the USU Student Center, Wednesday (01/11/2023).

The five inaugurated professors are Prof. Dr. Andriayani, S.Pd., M.si. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Prof. Dr. Etti Sartina Siregar, S.Si., M.Si. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Prof. Dr. Syahril Efendi, S.Si., M.I.T. from the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology; Prof. Dr. dr. Yunita Sari Pane, M.Si. from the Faculty of Medicine; and Prof. Dr. dr. Rina Amelia, MARS. from the Faculty of Medicine.

In his remarks, the USU Rector emphasized that the Council of Professors has a key role in accelerating the achievement of programs that have been planned in the RPJP, Renstra, and RKA. During the 2021-2022 period, the priority program with the tagline "Transformation Toward the Ultimate" succeeded in laying a significant foundation for the university's success.

"Our priority programs are adaptive institutions and governance, adaptation of tridarma tasks, infrastructure arrangement, campus digitalization, campus enterprises, and cooperation in international rankings," explained Prof. Muryanto.

The USU Rector explained the importance of educational transformation which involves curriculum revision with the use of digital learning. Also, research transformation emphasizes increasing the research roadmap of lecturers to produce publications and innovations. As well as, the transformation of community service which aims to create positive changes through applied models and methods.

"At least, we need to accelerate the transformation at Universitas Sumatera Utara. Through education, research, and community service," said Prof. Muryanto.

The USU Rector is committed to increasing the number of professors and strengthening the learning infrastructure to accelerate the transformation of Tridharma at USU. By inviting all parties to work hard and be dedicated to realizing this goal.

"We are waiting for the work and innovation of the Professors of Universitas Sumatera Utara to continue to support USU as a World Class University," said Prof. Muryanto.

While Prof. Dr. dr. Yunita Sari Pane, M.Si stated, that efforts to improve the quality of education and development at USU, provide a commitment to carry out the Tri Dharma of higher education, including teaching, research, and community service, and to build a sustainable spirit in this environment.

"Our goal is to build a sustainable spirit in carrying out planning, to achieve the goals that have been set," Prof. Yunita said.

Prof. Dr. dr. Yunita Sari Pane, M.Si said to achieve these goals, planning is needed to establish close cooperation with various industries, regarding the role of pharmacology in the development of itchy drugs. The goal is to ensure that innovative medicines can be developed to help people get more effective treatment in the future.

"In the future, I will open many collaborations with various industries. Because it was inspired by my speech about the role of pharmacology," said Prof. Yunita.

Currently, USU already has 150 active professors, as well as 21 professors who have received a decree of appointment and will soon be inaugurated.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas

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