



Prof Isfenti Sadalia is Inaugurated as USU Vocational Dean

Published At31 October 2022
Published ByBambang Riyanto
Prof Isfenti Sadalia is Inaugurated as USU Vocational Dean
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Prof Isfenti Sadalia is Inaugurated as USU Vocational Dean


Published by

Bambang Riyanto

Published at

Monday, 31 October 2022


Prof. Dr. Isfenti Sadalia SE., ME. conveyed that the vision and mission of the USU Vocational Faculty is to strive to remain superior in order to improve and maintain accreditation in every department in the vocational field so as to produce graduates who are sought after by the industrial world, therefore the academic community of the USU Vocational Faculty strives to get superior accreditation and is sought after by industry.

USU PR - Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Dr. Muryanto Amin S.Sos., M.Sc., inaugurated the Dean of the Vocational Faculty, Prof. Dr. Isfenti Sadalia SE., ME. with a service term of 2022-2026. The inauguration was held in the Court of the USU Central Administration Building, on Wednesday (10/19/2022).

In his remarks, the USU Rector said that the Vocational Faculty was one of the breakthroughs as well as answers given by USU in responding to market demands for the availability of skilled, competent, competitive, and characterized personnel according to the needs of the business world and industry.

"To meet the needs of the business world and industry requires a strong commitment, not only from USU, but also from various parties to build a 'link and super-match' between the world of vocational education and the world of business and industry," the USU Rector said.

USU also ensures that the curriculum and all learning activities available at the vocational faculty are based on the main needs of the business and industrial world (DUDI), namely graduates with high hard skills and soft skills competencies, character, and mentally ready to work and ready for lifelong learning.

"I believe that the vocational faculty has a very big opportunity to win the highest number of graduates who are absorbed by the business and industrial world," he concluded.

The Rector of USU also prayed that the Dean of the Vocational Faculty would always be given health and protection by God, so that she could carry out the mandate that had been given, as well as all the responsibilities inherent in the position as well as possible until the end of his term of office and also hopes that the dean of the vocational faculty can take a big role and contribution in the process of developing and advancing the vocational faculty in the future.

“Of course this is not an easy task. However, with will, hard work and cooperation, as well as the right strategy, God willing, everything will be realized, "he mentioned.

Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Prof. Dr. Isfenti Sadalia SE., ME. conveyed that the vision and mission of the vocational faculty is to strive to be superior in order to improve and maintain accreditation in every department in the vocational field so as to produce graduates who are sought after by the industrial world, therefore the academic community of the vocational faculty strives to obtain superior accreditation and are sought after by industry.

"We will try to improve and maintain excellent accreditation in every department in the faculty," she mentioned.

The Dean of Vocational Schools also said that the first target is to prepare adequate facilities and infrastructure for students to study and will cooperate with industry so that students have relationships and are known by the industrial world.

"In addition, the vocational faculty will invest funds into the laboratory to support students in their learning process," she said. (©ULC)

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas

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