



Rica Asrosa: Who Never Gives Up on Dreams

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Rica Asrosa: 	Who Never Gives Up on Dreams

"The most memorable thing in my life is continuing my master's and doctoral studies at UCL London with a scholarship. It's like a miracle that I never imagined I could get, even though I wanted it."

Rica Asrosa, S.Si, M.Sc, born in Lhokseumawe on October 3, 1996, has risen from zero to hero through hard work.

Rica is a permanent lecturer who teaches Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (F-MIPA), Universitas Sumatera Utara. Rica completed her master's degree in two years at University College London (UCL) majoring in Advanced Material Science with a scholarship from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP). She also successfully graduated and was accepted as a 2021 LPDP awardee, and is currently undergoing her doctoral education at University College London (UCL) from early January 2022.

This young lecturer was previously listed as one of USU's outstanding students. She has created a diabetes detection device through breath with a mobile system that has been clinically tested. She then joined the Micro Solar Matic (MSM) Team of the Physics Department of F-MIPA USU. The results of this research have also been published in the reputable international journal Sensors and Actuators B.

Almost Quit College

Rica Asrosa's love for education is so great. Since she was in elementary school, she has won various achievements. However, the girl's journey to success was less smooth than people imagine and as beautiful as the photos she shared on her Instagram gallery account.

"I come from an ordinary family. My father is a member of the Indonesian Army with the rank of sergeant and has retired. My mother works in the agriculture office in Kutacane. I was born in Lhokseumawe but grew up in Kutacane until junior high school. Then I migrated for the first time when I went to high school in Banda Aceh," she explained.

Although Rica is known as a cheerful girl by her friends, it turns out that she had also experienced a down phase and was almost discouraged. At that time, her family's financial condition was drastically declining. Many family expenses were cut, even eliminated. During her undergraduate education at USU, she also had to economize on finances. Her parents should have sent her monthly money regularly. But how much is there and when is it? Her parents even openly asked Rica to quit college. However, Rica remained firm in her stance to pursue her dreams. She was determined to continue her studies at the Universitas Sumatera Utara, even though she didn't know how to do it. She hid her sad story well behind a smile.

Finally, she tried finding a side job to pay for his studies. In the morning, she studied. In the afternoon, she became a research assistant, and in the evening, she taught private lessons. Thanks to her efforts in research, she has managed to publish 4 papers, get a patent certificate for her research, and have the opportunity to attend several international conferences.

"I almost dropped out of college because my family's finances deteriorated. It was the lowest point that discouraged me the most in life. I took the initiative to help a lecturer review research papers because I felt I had good English skills. Unexpectedly, that initiative brought me to where I am today. In life, I believe that the one who has full responsibility for the future that you want to live is yourself. No one can help us if we don't start from ourselves," he explained.

Entering her 7th semester, she has already started preparing her thesis. For 3.5 years, he went through ups and downs to finish college. His determination was as hard as steel, never backing down before becoming a scholar. With perseverance and unyielding spirit, Rica managed to graduate in 3.5 years with the title Cum Laude.

Forged by Waves of Trials

Initially, Rica decided that she wanted to work after finishing her degree. However, her lecturer encouraged her to continue her master's degree through a scholarship abroad. Rica was tempted. However, the process of getting the scholarship took more work than she imagined. She had to work hard to pay for it. Among other things, she participated in lecturers' research, taught tutoring, and book fairs, the proceeds of which were used to pay for IELTS tests and other expenses.

But no hard work goes to waste. In 2019, Rica successfully passed the scholarship selection from the Ministry of Finance's Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP). She was accepted at one of the best universities in the world, University College London (UCL) majoring in Advanced Materials Science. After studying for her master's degree in less than two years, Rica graduated with the highest GPA. She received the Distinction Award (the highest award for students on British campuses).

After completing her master's degree, Rica wanted to stay in London while looking for a job to prepare for her doctoral degree but was not allowed to. "I got an offer from the company, but unfortunately, the LPDP did not allow it and urged me to return home immediately because COVID-19 was deteriorating," she stated.

With a heavy heart, she returned to Indonesia. Upon her arrival, she struggled to find a job by applying to several universities in Indonesia, such as the Bandung Institute of Technology and the University of Indonesia. Good fortune favored her. Universitas Sumatera Utara opened an opportunity to accept permanent lecturers. Given that she was also an alumnus of the university, Rica applied in early 2021. She was finally accepted as a permanent lecturer at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) at 24. Even though she is already working as a permanent lecturer, Rica still remembers her goal of continuing her studies to the doctoral level.

While teaching, she kept in touch with her friends in the UK and consulted with her more senior coworkers at USU. Rica decided to apply for LPDP in 2021 with a major in Advanced Material Science at University College London (UCL) and was accepted as an LPDP awardee. Rica successfully graduated and started her doctoral program in early January 2022 and will obtain her Ph.D. after graduation.

"The most memorable thing in my life is being able to continue my master's and doctoral studies at UCL London with a scholarship. It's like a miracle that I never imagined I could get before, even though I wanted it," said the girl who likes Taylor Swift songs.

Rica Asrosa's biggest motivation to go through all this is to make her parents happy and apply the knowledge she has gained.

"I realized more and more. Another motivation that I found was, as Confucius said that "the essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it''. This finally made me always eager to learn, strive to get scholarships, and continue my studies abroad. I want to have a positive impact on others," he said. (RJ)

Author: Renny Julia - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Spesial - -


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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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