USU CFCES Presents Guest Lecture from Namseoul University
USU CFCES Presents Guest Lecture from Namseoul University
Published by
Bambang Riyanto
Published at
Monday, 17 October 2022
The Rector of USU said that currently there are still many limitations in the socio-cultural order and mindset in a narrow perspective. Therefore, USU sees this as a challenge to be conquered in order to quickly transform and adapt to new habits.
USU PR - Center for Cultural and Ethnics Studies (CFCES) Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a Guest Lecture with the title "From Local Identities to Global Identities".
The Guest Lecture activity, which was attended by Assistant Professor Julia Lim, Ph.D, from Namseoul University, Korea, was held via a zoom meeting on Tuesday, (10/04//2022).
The holding of the Guest Lecture by presenting foreign guest speakers aims to support the improvement of the quality of tri dharma activities at USU, as well as to create a positive and beneficial learning and discussion climate for academics and students.
This activity was also attended by the USU Head of CFCES Prof. Budi Agustono, Vice of CFCES USU Prof. Dr. Ir. Darma Bakti, MS, lecturers, and students.
In his speech, the Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si said that currently there are still many limitations in the socio-cultural order and mindset in a narrow perspective.
Therefore, USU sees this as a challenge to be conquered in order to quickly transform and adapt to new habits.
“The limitations of reaching the global level are generally the limitations that exist in the social culture, order and personal mindsets. Mindsets profile powerful challenge to be conquered and quickly transform and adapt to new habits which are in tune with the changes in the world and exist in various fields," the USU Rector said.
Julia Lim, Ph.D as a resource person who teaches related to the application of knowledge about Korean history, language and culture brings material on "Globalization of Culture: the Case of the Korean Wave".
Julia Lim, Ph.D hopes that the material presented related to the Korean Wave or called Hallyu will be very interesting to discuss such as "Globalization of Culture in the Context of Korean Wave (Hallyu) to "Influence of Korean Wave (Hallyu) Worldwide". (©ULC)
Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas