USU Holds Halal Bihalal and Releases the Hajj Pilgrims
USU Holds Halal Bihalal and Releases the Hajj Pilgrims
Published by
Bambang Riyanto
Published at
Thursday, 09 June 2022
USU Rector Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Sc. expressed his happiness and gratitude for the 15 USU Hajj pilgrims who will go to Mecca to fulfill the noble call from Allah SWT to fulfill the orders of the 5 Pillars of Islam.
PR USU - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a Halal Bi Halal event and the release the USU Hajj pilgrims for 1443 Hijriah. The event took place at the Student Center on Thursday, (02/06/2002).
In his remarks, USU Rector Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Sc. expressed his happiness and gratitude for the 15 USU Hajj pilgrims who will go to Mecca to fulfill the noble call from Allah SWT to fulfill the orders of the 5 Pillars of Islam.
"There are no words other than congratulations and Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamiin to describe our happiness and gratitude for the blessings and great gifts given by Allah SWT to the big family of the USU, which this year 15 people are lucky from all of us. Insya Allah will fulfill the invitation and noble call from Allah SWT to visit the Baitullah Makkah and complete the 5th pillar of Islam in the holy land," he said.
The Rector also mentioned that the years of waiting for their turn to be able to perform the Hajj were the most thrilling times. It is the dream of all Muslims, and not everyone has the opportunity to be able to carry it out.
“The years of waiting for our turn to come are the most thrilling of all, whether we are given the age to get there or not. However, the wait for the prospective Hajj pilgrims who will depart this year, God willing, will lead to perfect happiness because the time to set foot on the glorious land of Mecca is only a matter of days," said Muryanto Amin.
Muryanto Amin advised prospective Hajj pilgrims to be able to maintain health, follow all instructions, be sincere, become a mabrur Hajj, and continue doing their duties productively.
He also advised the USU extended family who has not had the opportunity to perform the pilgrimage this year not to be discouraged because, according to him, opportunities will always be open to those who always pray sincerely to Allah SWT.
"While those who have not been able to register for Hajj at this time, do not be discouraged. Opportunities are still open as long as we sincerely ask Allah SWT to make the path to Baitullah easier," he hoped.
Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas