



USU Hosts Green Harmony Forum Talkshow, Encourages Collaboration for Environmental Preservation

Published At12 August 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Hosts Green Harmony Forum Talkshow, Encourages Collaboration for Environmental Preservation
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"I hope that from our discussions, we can all gain new insights and inspiration to take more concrete actions to preserve and protect the environment," Prof. Muryanto said.


USU PR—Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), in partnership with PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (PTPN IV) and BenihBaik.com, successfully held the Green Harmony Forum Inspirational Talkshow at the Digital Learning Center Building (DLCB) USU on Wednesday (July 31, 2024). The event aimed to foster collaboration among various parties to address environmental and sustainability issues.


USU Rector Prof. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., representing the entire USU academic community, expressed gratitude to PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV and BenihBaik.com for initiating the talkshow. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration in tackling environmental problems.


"I hope that from our discussions, we can all gain new insights and inspiration to take more concrete actions to preserve and protect the environment," Prof. Muryanto said.


As an institution of higher education, USU is committed to producing graduates who are not only competent but also environmentally conscious. The rector hopes that the talk show will provide valuable insights and inspiration for the USU academic community to take tangible steps in environmental preservation. Additionally, the event is expected to be the beginning of a closer collaboration between universities, government, and various stakeholders to create a greener and more harmonious environment.


BenihBaik.com Founder Andy F. Noya explained that this was the first talk show of its kind and hopes it will serve as a model for other PTPNs.


"Yes, this talk show is being held for the first time, and I hope it can become a role model for other PTPNs," Andy said.


Meanwhile, Jatmiko K. Sentosa, President Director of PTPN IV PalmCo, explained that this collaboration was based on efforts to address negative perceptions of palm oil and to highlight the positive potential that can be realized. PTPN IV hopes this collaboration will yield positive results in the future.


"Yes, there are still many negative perceptions about palm oil, but I see many positive aspects that can be taken, just like with BenihBaik, which is why I was interested in partnering with them," Jatmiko explained.


Public figure and environmental advocate Prisia Nasution expressed hopes that BenihBaik.com and PTPN IV would remain consistent and closely monitor each stage of the plant production process to ensure its quality.


"I hope they stay consistent with this green harmony and that we all monitor what’s being taken from the earth to ensure it's being done correctly," Prisia said.


As a follow-up, PTPN IV and BenihBaik.com will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and undertake tree planting along the Deli River and in various locations for fruit trees.

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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