



USU Public Relations Again Made Brilliant Achievements, This Time Winning the 2024 Media Relations Awards

Published At25 September 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Public Relations Again Made Brilliant Achievements, This Time Winning the 2024 Media Relations Awards
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“This achievement cannot be separated from the strong cooperation between USU Public Relations and fellow journalists, where trust and commitment are the main keys to success. We express our deepest gratitude to all USU partner journalists who have become an important part of USU's journey to continue providing accurate, relevant, and useful information to the public,” Amalia said after receiving the award Saturday (21/9/2024).

USU PR - The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) through the Office of Public Relations (Humas), Protocol and Promotion again recorded brilliant achievements at the national level. This time, USU Public Relations won the Gold Winner (highest achievement) in the 2024 Media Relations Awards for the Best Press Gathering category held by the Press Company Union (SPS) in Bandung, West Java, Friday (20/9/2024).

Head of USU Public Relations Amalia Meutia, M.Psi, Psychologist who received the award directly expressed her deep gratitude and thanks to all those who have supported so that USU won the Gold Winner award for the Best Press Gathering category at the 2024 Media Relations Awards.

“This achievement cannot be separated from the strong cooperation between USU Public Relations and fellow journalists, where trust and commitment are the main keys to success. We express our deepest gratitude to all USU partner journalists who have become an important part of USU's journey to continue providing accurate, relevant, and useful information to the public,” Amalia said after receiving the award Saturday (21/9/2024).

Amalia Meutia explained that this award is a motivation to continue to strengthen media relations and present more innovative communication programs in the future. “Hopefully, our cooperation will be closer, and together, we can make a positive contribution to society and the nation,” said the Psychology lecturer.

The award itself was the culmination of a series of SPS's 78th anniversary commemorations. SPS Chairman Januar P. Ruswita said that the 78th SPS Anniversary was very special because it was the culmination of the Media Brand Awards, Media Relations Award, Communication Division Leader, Corporation, and Most Popular Institution competitions. All of these awards are intended for media, corporations, institutions, and local governments. There will also be Lontar Awards and Lestari Awards for the government and local leaders who provide services in the field of media and local culture.

In determining the winner of the 78th SPS Award, SPS Indonesia engaged five judges who are competent in their fields to select hundreds of entries. “The average entry is very good. A lot of progress compared to previous years,” said Maria Wongsonegoro, PR Consultant, who judged the Media Relations, Press Conference, and Press Gathering categories.

Public Relations Practitioner Jojo S. Nugroho, who judged the Media Relations, Press Conference, and Press Gathering categories, also added that the entries were 50% more varied than last year.

“All entries have met the standards of a good press release. My note is how to include data in a press release,” added Pung Purwanto, Editor-in-Chief of Sindonews.com.

Tri Agung Kristanto, Deputy Chairman of Kompas Daily, said that the incoming material was very diverse. The corporate PR team seems to have mastered the theory of how to make a good press release. Meanwhile, Asmono Wikan as the judge of the Media Relation, Press Conference, and Press Gathering, Press Release categories said that there were several entries that were able to steal the attention.


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