



USU Receives Monitoring and Evaluation Visit of PKKM 2024 Program

Published At25 September 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Receives Monitoring and Evaluation Visit of PKKM 2024 Program
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“We hope that this evaluation can be an encouragement for all of us to continue to move forward to develop campus potential and make a real contribution to the progress of the nation and state,” said Prof. Muryanto.

USU PR - The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) welcomed the Evaluator Team and Secretariat Team of the Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PKKM) during the monitoring and evaluation (monev) visit for the first year of the PKKM Program, which took place from 16 to 19 September 2024. It took place at the USU DLCB Building on Tuesday (17/09/2024).

This activity aims to evaluate the achievements of program implementation and fund realization that have been achieved by USU during the 2024 budget period. Therefore, in his remarks, USU Rector Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si. emphasized the importance of these activities to identify existing obstacles and provide useful input for future program development.

“We hope that this evaluation can be an encouragement for all of us to continue to move forward to develop campus potential and make a real contribution to the progress of the nation and state,” said Prof. Muryanto.

The Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka itself is one of the strategies of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to improve the quality of education in higher education. In this first year, although many achievements have been made, the USU Rector acknowledged that there are still a number of challenges that must be faced. He emphasized the importance of synergy between academia, industry, and government to strengthen the competence of graduates produced to be ready to face global challenges.

Dr. Muhammad Anggia Muchtar, as Director of the Directorate of Education Development, revealed some of the main challenges faced during the implementation of the PKKM Program. One of these challenges is the time mismatch between the university's academic schedule and the program partners.

“Universities use the academic year that starts in September, while partners usually follow the budget year that starts in January. So there is a time shift there, which sometimes causes students to not finish MBKM in partners, while academically they must have reported their activities,” he explained.

In addition, budget challenges are also a major concern. With a target of 6,000 students participating in MBKM, the budget for transportation, incentives, and other needs must be carefully prepared. He also hopes that the Independent Campus Program will be continued by the Ministry as a space for universities, both public and private, to create independent programs that support student development.

“We have to prepare assistance for students for at least 4 months. However, despite this considerable challenge, MBKM activities are very helpful in developing student capacity,” Dr. Anggia added.

With high hopes, the USU Rector and all parties involved hope that the results of this monitoring and evaluation can provide satisfactory results and become a benchmark for the success of the work program that has been carried out by all faculties involved.


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