



USU Work Program Coordination Meeting: Toward Digital Education Transformation

Published At25 September 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU Work Program Coordination Meeting: Toward Digital Education Transformation
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“We plan to utilize the Zhippu model as the basis for developing AI-based e-learning at USU,” explained the USU Rector.

USU PR - The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a Work Program Coordination Meeting with the aim of preparing strategic steps in optimizing the transformation of education and research within USU. The meeting was chaired by the USU Rector, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si, at the Digital Learning Center Building (DLCB) on the 8th floor of USU, on Thursday (19/09/2024).

The USU Rector emphasized the importance of fundamentally strengthening digital learning applications based on artificial intelligence (AI). He proposed the Zhippu (China) model which will be supported by the preparation of documents and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for AI-based digital learning, as well as the utilization of existing IT infrastructure.

“We plan to utilize the Zhippu model as the basis for developing AI-based e-learning at USU,” he explained.

The USU Rector also explained the strategic plan in revitalizing learning facilities, including classrooms and laboratories that will follow international standards. In addition, he emphasized the importance of socialization and pilot projects related to digital learning, where the results of research and Community Service (PKM) will be directed toward digital-based outputs.

“Classrooms and laboratories at USU will be revitalized following international standards,” added Prof. Muryanto.

Other agendas in this meeting included increasing research collaboration between USU and external institutions, such as PTPN and the Ministry of Agriculture. This collaboration program is expected to strengthen innovation in the industrial sector through routine research conducted by USU lecturers.

USU will also focus on strengthening the Center for Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI) program, with plans to add two new PUIs in the near future. Improving the quality of human resources at USU is a priority, with organizational-based leadership and managerial training for lecturers and education personnel.

Director of the USU Directorate of Internationalization and Global Partnerships, Prof. Dr. Eng. Himsar Ambarita, S.T., M.T., emphasized the importance for academics to take advantage of technological advances, especially artificial intelligence (AI), in achieving the targets of the indicators that have been set. According to him, the use of AI can help design academic learning products that are more in line with the expectations and needs in this digital era.

“The Rector has mentioned some interesting points, such as the adjustment of lecturers' research with industry needs. The approach will be changed so that the industry conveys its needs, and the lecturers adjust their research to answer those needs,” said Prof. Himsar.


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