



USU Rector Appoints 2,232 Graduates

Published At30 November 2022
Published ByBambang Riyanto
USU Rector Appoints 2,232 Graduates
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The Rector emphasized the importance of being educated and enjoying a process that never stops for graduates like the theme of this year's graduation by carrying out "Be EDUCATED: Never Stop Process".

USU Public Relations - Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Dr. Muryanto Amin. S.Sos., M.Si, carried out a graduation procession for 2,232 graduates of period I for the 2022/2023 Academic Year on Tuesday (11/22/2022) in the USU Auditorium.

On that occasion, the Rector emphasized the importance of being educated and enjoying a process that never stops for graduates, like the theme of this year's graduation by carrying out "Be EDUCATED: Never Stop Process".

According to the Rector, human life is currently at a critical point of civilization. Because the last 100 years have seen many moments of human greatness and never before has the world changed so radically as quickly as it has today, thanks to advances in technology.

"Unfortunately, this greatness must be paid for with the social, ecological and spiritual inequalities written in the 17th agenda of sustainable development. Various countries are talking very seriously about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which balances social-ecological-spiritual harmony. Apart from that, currently the world is struggling with endemic and pandemic diseases, climate change, wars, mental health issues and other disasters, so that collective action and inclusive collaboration between countries and the global ecosystem is more important than ever," he said.

The Rector explained that the important impact of this situation is that one must always ask the question what USU's contribution and solutions are for the challenge of maintaining a balance in the world for issues of health, green and blue economy, and digital inclusion.

"To create a shared future, we need future knowledge so that the basis for creating new science and technology that gives birth to innovations has a positive impact on the universe and humanity. Future knowledge integrates our future sensing with head, heart and hands (mind, body, soul). This process requires ego-to-ecosystem solutions that are in harmony with science and art," he explained.

The Rector said, this is where the importance of education is to convey the meaning that being educated is a process that will never stop.

"Being educated will make it easier for us to carry out intergenerational dialogue to harmonize shared aspirations and knowledge so that we can inherit a sustainable earth for future generations. Therefore, being educated is not only defined in formal education in the classroom. But it must continue to be maintained in every breath. we interact with fellow human beings and the universe. USU and its alumni must play a role in providing space for thought and action as young leaders, innovators, practitioners, academics to all key actors to have dialogue and take part in the journey of realizing our happy shared future," he explained.

On the other hand, the Rector explained, being educated is an ongoing process to build future capabilities and prepare to become the next generation of a nation that is wise, independent, tough, agile, and full of awareness in undergoing change and transformation. USU urgently needs to prepare an education system that ensures be educated that is relevant in nurturing future leaders who will advance meaningful science and technology innovation.

"Currently we are continuing to develop the education ecosystem to ensure that the whole environment feels Be EDUCATED as a Never Stop Process. Transformation towards the Ultimate is a campaign tagline to always achieve the best in Tridarma tasks. All levels of leadership, lecturers, education staff, students and alumni are currently make efforts to produce skills and achievements towards a World Class University," he said.

The Rector admitted that these efforts had shown a positive trend, albeit gradually, which was assessed by national and international institutions such as BANPT, QS WUR, THE WUR, and other institutions.

"We need to say that in 2022, USU has received national recognition as a PTN that is accredited Superior from BAN PT, from the previous year having an A value, increasing the acquisition of IKU scores by 48% from the 2021 IKU. Obtaining international recognition from QS WUR by being ranked 1 .201-1,400, THE WUR is at 1,500+ from the previous year which is still reported status, THE AUR is ranked 451 from previously being ranked 501, he explained.

These various achievement targets can only be achieved by creating an academic environment that supports be educated from work unit leaders, lecturers, students, education staff and alumni at USU.

"We must continue to be educated so that we don't give up easily because of the obstacles we find, we must remain focused and consistently implement the efforts we are currently doing. The same goes for the graduates who were inaugurated today, at a time when radical changes were taking place and creating disparities in several parts of the world, you must be able to be in an atmosphere of being educated. As a USU alumnus, you must continue to maintain a sense of curiosity, mental health, freedom of thought, and awareness of adaptation. The great capital that you currently have is being born as a graduate of the Universitas Sumatera Utara, which is one of the best universities in Indonesia," he concluded.

The graduates who were inaugurated today included 32 Doctoral Programs, 194 Masters Programs, 13 Specialist Education Programs, 19 Doctoral Degree Programs, 155 Professional Education Programs, 1,591 Undergraduate Programs and Diploma Programs with a total of 228 people. (©ULC)

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Irsan Mulyadi - Humas

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