



USU Rector Inaugurates LIPIHKI and USU Enterprise Building

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Bambang Riyanto

USU Rector Inaugurates LIPIHKI and USU Enterprise Building

"There are also student innovations and products built around USU that are continuously assisted so that the products produced by students, lecturers, and the community around the USU campus can have added value which will be used as soon as possible by industry. That's why it's called enterprise, the name of the leader is BPRI, "explained the USU Rector."

USU PR - Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin S.Sos., M.Si inaugurated the new building of the Institute for Scientific Writing Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPIHKI) and the USU Enterprise Innovation Research Center (BPRI). The inauguration, which was marked by the signing of an inscription by the USU Recto, took place on Tuesday (03/10/2023).

The new office of LIPIHKI and USU Enterprise is located on University Street, adjacent to the USU Parking Lot. In front of the audience, the Rector in his remarks explained the beginning of the formation of LIPIHKI and USU enterprise.

Being under BPRI USU, the naming of USU Enterprise itself is because in it there are products from research innovations of lecturers, students, and community products fostered by USU.

"There are also student innovations and products fostered around USU that are carried out with continuous assistance so that the products produced by students, lecturers, and the community around the USU campus can have added value which will be used as soon as possible by industry. That's why the enterprise is called BPRI," explained the USU Rector.

The Rector hopes that this new building can encourage USU to reach the 500 WCU ranking.

Meanwhile, the chairman of LIPI HKI Prof. Dr. Erman Munir, M.Sc. said that the construction of this building plays an important role in effectiveness and productivity. This is because previously LIPI HKI had 3 offices which were located separately from each other.

"So the construction of a new building or office for these two offices is very important. Until now we still occupy separate places. LIPI HKI for example occupies 2 places. 1 on the 3rd floor of the Postgraduate School and 1 on the 2nd floor of the research institute," said the Chairman of LIPI HKI.

With the newly inaugurated representative building, the Chairman of LIPI HKI said he would organize assistance and training for students, lecturers, and the community in conducting research and innovation.

Meanwhile, according to the Head of BPRI USU, Buchari, S.T., M.Kes.

USU Enterprise will be a place of business incubation for lecturers, students, and the community.

"We also facilitate lecturers who want to commercialize their products, we will later assist because we already have a representative place and we can showcase student innovation products. So that guests can see this is where the USU innovation product center is located," said the Chairman of BPRI USU.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas


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