USU Rector Visits the Implementation of SMMPTN-Barat 2024

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David Kevin Handel Hutabarat

USU Rector Visits the Implementation of SMMPTN-Barat 2024

"SMMPTN-Barat has been implemented for a long time and is participated in by 25 state universities in the western region. Starting from Aceh to parts of Jakarta and West Java," said USU Rector"

USU PR - The Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., conducted a visit to observe the implementation of the Independent Selection for State University Admission (SMMPTN) Western Region exam for 2024. The visit occurred at USU's Information System Center (PSI) on Thursday (Jun. 27, 2024).

USU is one of 25 state universities participating in SMMPTN-Barat. As the Rector of USU, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., said that SMMPTN-Barat is an independent consortium exam for state universities that are members of the Western State University Cooperation Agency (BKS PTN-Barat), which includes state universities in Sumatra and the western part of Java. The total number of SMMPTN-Barat 2024 applicants reached 24,670.

"SMMPTN-Barat has been implemented for a long time and is participated in by 25 state universities in the western region. Starting from Aceh to parts of Jakarta and West Java," he said.

The USU Rector explained that only 268 students will be accepted through SMMPTN-Barat. This is because USU still has two other independent admission routes: Selection Based on Superior Talent Achievement (SBPU TALENTA) and USU Independent Student Selection (SMM).

"The total number of students accepted through the SMMPTN-Barat route at USU is 268. Because USU will have its independent exam again later," he explained.

After SMMPTN-Barat, USU will hold its SMM USU on July 17–18.


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