



USU Vocational Faculty BEM 2024/2025 Officially Inaugurated

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David Kevin Handel Hutabarat

USU Vocational Faculty BEM 2024/2025 Officially Inaugurated

"We hope that the Vocational Faculty's BEM of USU can carry out a very good work program by considering the content of its activities to produce more creative and beneficial work programs for students, faculty, the university, and even the community, added Aziz"

USU PR — Executive Student Body (BEM) of the Vocational Faculty (FV) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) for the 2024/2025 Period with the Renaissance Cabinet led by Jovito Septian Wijaya as the Chairman of BEM, and Yovi Steven Sinaga as the Vice Chairman of BEM were successfully inaugurated at the Auditorium of the Vocational Faculty of USU on Tuesday (Jun. 25, 2024). This inauguration marks the second term of the Vocational Faculty's BEM.

The Coordinator of National Insight, Organization, and Community Service at Ditmawa USU, M. Azis Rizky Lubis S.S., M.A., mentioned that the Faculty's BEM is a student organization tasked with assisting in all processes of change at theUniversitas Sumatera Utara. Change is not solely in the hands of faculty or university leaders but also the hands of students through achievements.

Not limited to achievements alone but also balanced with social control. Therefore, students need to be active in doing so in various ways that should be elegant and intellectual, considering the university environment's intellectual nature. BEM should embrace all elements within the faculty to enhance the faculty's reputation, which will also impact the faculty's quality improvement.

Advice on the importance of being trustworthy officials was also conveyed by M. Azis Rizky Lubis S.S., MA., by building coordination between the dean's office and BEM so that both can synergize well to support the faculty's programs, enabling the Vocational Faculty of USU to compete with other Vocational Faculties at the national level.

"We hope that the Vocational Faculty's BEM of USU can carry out a very good work program by considering the content of its activities to produce more creative and beneficial work programs for students, faculty, the university, and even the community," added Aziz.

Through the Vocational Faculty's BEM, it is hoped that work programs can generate innovative products in line with the Vocational Faculty's vision, focusing on action or practice. This statement by M. Azis Rizky Lubis S.S., MA., was also endorsed by the Vice Dean I of the Vocational Faculty of USU, Dr. Drs. Muhammad Husni Thamrin, M.Si. BEM can be the best platform for building and implementing various activities leading to achievements, professions, and skills in line with the characteristics of the Vocational Faculty.

In an organization, effective communication development is necessary for the smooth running of its activities, starting from among members to the dean's office. Conflict management is also an equally important aspect that can be learned while engaging in the organization. Students involved in the Vocational Faculty's BEM are expected to lead and manage activities well for the progress of the region, the university, and even the nation. According to the Vice Dean I of the Vocational Faculty of USU, BEM is the right platform to start training intellectualism and dedicating oneself to society.

"Students are the hope of society, so they are expected to advance their region, which can be implemented through participation in BEM to dedicate themselves and hone their potential," explained Vice Dean I of FV USU.

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