USU ZI-WBK Team Socializes the Integrity Zone
USU ZI-WBK Team Socializes the Integrity Zone
Published by
Bambang Riyanto
Published at
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Director of the Directorate of Bureaucratic Reform and Transformation at USU, Dr. Nurman Achmad, M.Soc.Sc. will continue to monitor the Graduate School and FMIPA in their commitment to implementing ZI-WBK in their environment after receiving socialization from the ZI-WBK Team.
The Corruption-Free Regional Integrity Zone Team (ZI-WBK) of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) conducted a socialization of the Integrity Zone to the Graduate School and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), Monday (08/29) and Tuesday (08/30).
"So that Graduate school and FMIPA continue to carry out as committed, that he will carry out ZI WBK in their environment," said Nurman.
After the socialization was held, Deputy Director II of Postgraduate Prof. Dr. Ir. Hamidah Harahap, M.Sc stated that postgraduate schools will begin to realize the creation of ZI-WBK by involving educators working together so that there is no longer any collection.
"We will be committed to making postgraduate schools that have ZI-WBK, then lecturers willwork together so that no one else collects anything," said WD II Postgraduate.
Graduate schools realize ZI-WBK starting from small things, such as refusing gratification from small things, because it will have an impact in the future.
On the same occasion, Cholina Trisa Siregar S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Sp.KMB as the head of the ZI-WBK Faculty of Nursing hopes that with the implementation of the ZI-WBK socialization everything that is done by the ZI-WBK with the help of the Directorate team USU's Bureaucratic Reform and Transformation can be carried out by all work units at USU so as to make it better.
"I hope that what we are doing with the help of the team from the rector's bureau can be carried out by all the work units at USU so that USU will be better in the future," said Cholina.
While the Dean of USU FMIPA Dr. Nursahara Pasaribu M.Sc admitted that she was very proud because FMIPA was able to carry out socialization related to ZI-WBK.
As a work unit, Dr. Nursahara Pasaribu M.Sc strongly supports the ZI-WBK because it is in line with what was proclaimed by USU Rector Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si that USU will lead to changes for the better.
"As part of the work unit, I really support what the Rector has announced that our tagline is that USU's form will lead to better changes and I think the reformation bureaucracy through ZI WBK is the way to go there," said the USU FMIPA Dean.
FMIPA is committed to implementing ZI-WBK in accordance with the directions given by the Director of the Directorate of Bureaucratic Reform and Transformation at USU. Therefore, FMIPA has formed a team to support the implementation of the ZI-WBK chaired by the Deputy Dean II of FMIPA, namely Dr. Susilawati S.Si., M.Sc.
"We promise and are committed that we will carry out according to Pak Nurman's directions, even though we are limping, we are committed to implementing it," said Dr. Nursahara. (©ULC)
Author: Bambang Riyanto - HUMAS
Interviewee: - - -
Photographer: Irsyad Mulyadi - HUMAS