



USU's 72nd Anniversary, Rector Prof. Muryanto Amin asks graduates to have special competencies to face global challenges

Published At22 October 2024
Published ByRenny Julia Harahap
USU's 72nd Anniversary, Rector Prof. Muryanto Amin asks graduates to have special competencies to face global challenges
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“Adjusting the curriculum is something that must be done so that USU graduates can be competitive in the era of global competition. This at USU has begun to be implemented, how the curriculum will be made flexible so that students are able to understand theoretical and practical aspects,” he said.

USU PR - Rector of the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., in the opening speech of the 72nd Anniversary session themed “Strengthening the Higher Education Ecosystem to Achieve Golden Indonesia.” said, to face global challenges, university graduates must have special competencies, such as digitalization, automation, energy, environment, health, and genetic engineering.

“These special skills will be very useful in facing global challenges. So, in addition to excelling academically, USU graduates must also be able to adapt to rapid changes in the world of work. Graduates need to be competitive, adaptive, flexible, and productive individuals while upholding the values of Pancasila as a moral foundation,” he said Tuesday (15/10/2024).

Prof. Mury also explained that the curriculum should be designed to equip students with practical and technical skills that match market demands, in order to reduce the gap between graduates' skills and industry expectations. Programs such as internships, industrial projects, and case study-based learning provide students with hands-on experience that prepares them for the challenges of the working world.

“Curriculum adjustment is something that must be done so that USU graduates can be competitive in the era of global competition. This at USU has begun to be implemented, how the curriculum will be made flexible so that students are able to understand theoretical and practical aspects,” he said.

Prof. Mury said that experiences in the world of work such as internships or KKN programs can help students develop the problem-solving skills needed to adapt quickly in various industrial situations.

Prof. Muryanto Amin also explained the theme chosen for this year's anniversary, which is strengthening the higher education ecosystem to achieve a golden Indonesia.

“This theme is important to encourage the spirit of collaboration between all elements in the field of higher education, considering that the young generation that is being formed through the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities today and in the years to come will become the future leaders of Indonesia, which is often echoed as the golden generation,” he said.

The Rector explained that structuring a good ecosystem by creating supporting facilities and infrastructure will make the spirit of learning and the spirit of researching the USU academic community more productive. Therefore, Prof. Mury at the beginning of his leadership was concerned with the issue of infrastructure equality at USU to create a fundamentally strong academic ecosystem.

“I have carried that spirit since I led USU. Because we are well aware that the process of forming a superior young generation, seeds of national leaders who are full of innovation and high national spirit requires time, energy, resilience and continuity,” he said.

The 72nd Anniversary of USU itself was solemn and festive. Presenting the CEO of Malaka Project, Ferry Irwandi in a scientific oration, USU students are expected to be able to open new horizons in viewing the concept of education and life.

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