



Break the poverty, Develop Human Resources, Unleash the future of our country.

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Goal 1

Break the poverty, Develop Human Resources, Unleash the future of our country.

No Poverty itself, which means efforts to eradicate poverty in Indonesia, is one of the main goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. Based on this background, there are challenges that are still being faced by the Indonesian people related to poverty. Even though there have been government efforts to reduce poverty, there are still many people living below the poverty line. This program aims to end poverty entirely in Indonesia and ensure everyone's access to basic resources, public services, decent jobs, and fair economic opportunities. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to make collaborative efforts from governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and individuals. Programs for economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, and increasing access to education, health, and social services are the main focuses in efforts to achieve this goal. The Universitas Sumatera Utara is committed to supporting poverty reduction programs in Indonesia through research, community service, and continuing education.

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Research and Publication

Recent progress in ultra-low formaldehyde emitting adhesive systems and formaldehyde scavengers in wood-based panels: a review

Kristak L., Antov P., Bekhta P., Lubis M.A.R., Iswanto A.H., Reh R., Sedliacik J., Savov V., Taghiyari H.R., Papadopoulos A.N., Pizzi A., Hejna A.

Challenges and opportunities for achieving Sustainable Development Goals through restoration of Indonesia’s mangroves

Sasmito S.D., Basyuni M., Kridalaksana A., Saragi-Sasmito M.F., Lovelock C.E., Murdiyarso D.

The impact of ecological innovation and corporate social responsibilities on the sustainable development: Moderating role of environmental ethics

Hai Yen T.T., Wong W.-K., Al-Abyadh M.H.A., Muda I., Julca-Guerrero F., Hishan S.S., Islam M.M.

Natural resources, green innovation, fintech, and sustainability: A fresh insight from BRICS

Lisha L., Mousa S., Arnone G., Muda I., Huerta-Soto R., Shiming Z.


SDGs Center USU

Find out more information about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) through the official website of the USU SDGs Center.

Visit the USU SDGs Center Page

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