About SBPU Talenta
The USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a program that filters prospective students of Universitas Sumatera Utara who have talents/achievements in the academic and non-academic fields or have special talents recognized at the national or international level. It is conducted to look for prospective students with good character and achievements in their area of interest and talent they master. Hopefully, it can improve the quality of successor students at Universitas Sumatera Utara and provide more excellent opportunities and benefits to students who are motivated to hone their abilities to study at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). Based on the Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) on New Student Admissions through the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection Pathway, it was explained that new student admissions through the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a new student admission pathway of USU whose results are ratified through a Decree of the Rector and organized by university-level committee. For those of you who want to submit proof of achievement, for that, an original certificate is needed from the institution organizing the competition. Some achievements that meet the selection requirements are Hifzhil Qur'an, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ), Pesta Paduan Suara Gerejawi (Pesparawi), competitions in science and humanities, etc. The purpose of implementing SBPU TALENTA USU is to provide opportunities for outstanding students to develop at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), improve the quality of new USU students, appreciate outstanding students in academic and non-academic fields, and provide motivation to students to maintain their achievements.
The capacity of the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a maximum of 0.5% of the new student admissions quota. The selection is conducted only once a year, and prospective participants can only choose a maximum of two vocational and/or undergraduate study programs at USU. Announcement of the approval will be announced via the www.usu.ac.id website. Those who pass will be considered for single tuition fee (UKT) relief. After passing the selection, prospective students must re-register for administration according to the correct schedule and procedure and are not allowed to change their study program. If they do not re-register, the participant will be disqualified. Finally, participants will take medical tests and collect other documents, such as drug-free and crime-free certificates.
SBPU General Requirements
- Are students/graduates of SMA/MA/MAK equivalent who graduated in the last three academic years.
- Obtain academic or non-academic champions/awards that are individual or group.
- Awards/Champions are obtained during the education period which is equivalent to high school.
- Able to comply with Ethics and Rules and meet the requirements as a USU student.
SBPU Special Requirements
- New students through the achievement-based selection pathway must have one achievement/certificate that includes a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winner in the academic field (olympiads, etc.) or non-academic field (arts, sports, etc.) during their education period equivalent to high school. Expertise and other achievements proven by certificates and recognized by the government as organizers of special skills programs are also allowed.
- The winner referred to is in regency/city level championships/achievements, both 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners or winners in all categories at the international level.
- Evidence of championship certificates must be validated by the Head of the Local Service or an authorized Officer/Administrator.
- Achievements in sports championships are Multi Event championships for all sports organized by KONI or government agencies, are official national championships, and have authentic evidence in the form of certificates.
- Achievements in spiritual (Islamic) championships are championships held by government agencies/BUMN that are relevant and institutional, such as the MTQ category (Tilawah, Tartil, Tafsir, Qira'at, and others).
- Achievements in spiritual (Protestant) championships are championships held by government agencies/BUMN that are relevant and institutional, including Boys & Girls Solo Championships (Pesparawi), Youth Choir Groups, Vocal Groups, and others.
- The last requirement is to pass the test and interview by the Selection Team.
*After fulfilling the above requirements, prospective students are required to pass tests and interviews by the Selection Team.