The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry is a study program that focuses on the raising and management of farm animals such as cows, goats, chickens, and other types of farm animals. The main focus includes an understanding of nutrition, health, reproduction, and management of farm animals. Established in 1981, this study program was established with the aim of providing teaching in the science of raising, managing, developing technology, and marketing farm animals and their products.
USU's Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry has successfully produced quality graduates who are experts in the field of animal husbandry. Supported by expert teaching staff, the program is committed to providing the best integrated curriculum and teaching materials to guide students to become skilled and innovative individuals in the livestock industry. Upon completion of this study program, students will be awarded the Bachelor of Animal Husbandry (S.Pt.) degree in recognition of their expertise and qualifications in the field of animal husbandry.
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Accredited Excellent
Vision of Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry
To become a leading study program in science and technology in the field of integrative animal husbandry that can compete internationally by 2025.
Mission of Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry
Organize higher education in integrative animal science and technology that is professionally based on scientific, moral, and ethical studies.
Organizing higher education to produce graduates of the Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry who become agents of change as a force of modernization in the national/international scope with scientific competence, relevance, and firm competitiveness.
Academic Quality
Conducting, developing, and improving education, research, and community service to enhance academic quality by developing excellent knowledge in the field of integrative animal science and technology.
Concentration is a field of specialization that can be chosen by students to deepen specific knowledge and skills in the study program they take. By choosing a concentration that suits their interests and talents, students can develop more in-depth competencies that are relevant to the needs of the job market. Concentration also helps students to explore specific fields that are of interest and passion to them, thus expanding their horizons and enriching their learning experience.
Livestock Social Economics
Livestock Production
Feed Science and Technology