



Assessment of the USU FV Diploma Program in Food and Pharmaceutical Analyst

Published At21 June 2024
Published ByDavid Kevin Handel Hutabarat
Assessment of the USU FV Diploma Program in Food and Pharmaceutical Analyst
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This is the essential substance of changing the curriculum structure with more practical exercises than theoretical aspects," said the Rector.

USU PR — The Indonesian Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes) conducted an on-site accreditation assessment of the USU Faculty of Vocational Education Diploma Program in Food and Pharmaceutical Analyst on Thursday (Jun. 20, 2024). The assessment took place in the 2nd-floor meeting room of the USU Faculty of Pharmacy and involved two assessors: apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. from Universitas Airlangga, and Lisa Soegianto, M.Sc., Apt from Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.

In his opening remarks, USU Rector, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., highlighted two key points that are the main goals during this transition period. The first point focused on changes in curriculum and teaching methods. The Rector explained that the curriculum changes aim to substantially increase the proportion of practical training, with a 70% practice and 30% theory ratio. This step is intended to ensure university graduates can compete in the workforce by possessing strong practical skills. To support these changes, the university is also conducting socialization and training for lecturers to shift their teaching methods from theoretical to vocational. Additionally, the rector mentioned that USU is inviting practitioners to teach in vocational programs.

"This is the essential substance of changing the curriculum structure with more practical exercises than theoretical aspects," said the Rector.

The rector stated that USU is designing a microteaching program for lecturers to improve teaching methods. This program aims to accelerate the mastery of specific technical skills in high demand among students. Furthermore, microteaching will also be implemented for vocational students to prepare them to enter the industrial world with relevant skills.

"We are currently designing microteaching to accelerate lecturers' acquisition of specific technical skills that students highly seek," said the rector.

The second point emphasized by the rector was the university's focus on infrastructure development. This year, USU is preparing offices and dedicated classrooms for vocational programs. Although infrastructure improvements have not yet been completed, these efforts are ongoing with the addition of adequate facilities, including the construction of more modern laboratories available for learning and research activities. This year, a budget of 50 billion has been allocated to build an integrated laboratory.

"This year and in previous years, we have been preparing offices and classrooms for vocational programs. These infrastructure improvements are ongoing and will continue to be expanded," said the rector.

The Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Vocational Education, Dr. Muhammad Husni Thamrin, M.Si., stated that these preparations are part of the study program's commitment to maintaining its superior accreditation status. He also hopes the Diploma Program in Food and Pharmaceutical Analyst will soon achieve international accreditation.

"Our next step is to work towards international accreditation to welcome foreign students in the future," said Dr. Husni.

On the same occasion, the Vice Dean III of USU Vocational Studies, Drs. Gustanto, M.Hum., highlighted the importance of partnerships with industry in supporting practical education, which is the main focus of vocational programs at USU.

With these steps, USU hopes to produce vocational graduates with strong practical skills and adequate learning facilities who are ready to compete in the workforce.

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Universitas Sumatera Utara


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